
  • Hitler becomes Chanceller of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chenceller of germany because, besinessmen thought he could become government away from parliamentary parties.
  • FDR's Policy

    FDR's declares good negihbor policy. He beleived that countries in the same hemishere should become alies.
  • USSR

    The US recognized the USSR with western parts of the world. The Soviet Union.
  • U.S Neutraity Act of 1935

    The act imposed a embargo on trading in arms and war materials with all parties in a war. Also made it so that Americans on warring ships were at there own risk when at sea.
  • Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland

    Adolf Hitler went agenst the treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending the german military to Rhineland.
  • Japan invaides China

    Japan invades China because Japan think that they have the right becuse of there small country.
  • Hitler and Astria

    Astria was once a powerful country until they lost WWI. They lost there empire and became a smaller country. Out of spite, Hitler told the troops to take over Astria. All German laws were inforced.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany, Soviet Union and Solovak invaid Poland from all sides but the east. The Soveit Union overran the country when fighting Polands allies.
  • U.S Neutrality Act

    this act made it so the allies that were in the war with Germany could send wepons and things to eachother back and forth,
  • FDR defeats Willkie for Presidency

    FDR ran for persident for the third time in a row and the republicans had a problem with that so they sent in Wallkie for presidency. FDR won and is pesident for the third time and leading them out of the depression