Lil me

Life Of Elijah Paul Anthony

By lij42
  • B-Day

    On July 17, 1994, my mom, Tara Young gave birth to a talented, smart baby named Elijah Paul Anthony..
  • Period: to


  • Early Stages

    Early Stages
    In 1999 i started kindergarten at Imani Education Circle Charter School and was a honor role student for 6 years.
  • Little League Football

    Little League Football
    At Age 7 i began the sport of football. At first i wasnt really good, but i got better. I played all types of positions like running back, qauterback, wide reciever, and safety. I started at running bck and safety. I played for Onley Eagles and Mt. Airy Bantams.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from Imani Charter School. I was happy to graduate from there. Even though my last three years there was rough because of my behavior, i still made it. I choose to go to Imhotep High schol. Why?, i really dont kno, i guess its because it started at 10.
  • Now

    Im go to Imhotep charter high school. play for the football team my number is 42 and im doin well in football yes i do start. and i also am doing good in school.