Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.
It is not light yet, but Cornelia gets up and walks toward the village. -
Adhūc dormiunt pater et māter et Marcus.
Father, Mother, and Marcus are still sleeping. -
Etiam Sextus dormit neque Cornēliam vexat.
Also Sextus sleeps and does not annoy Cornelia. -
Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.
However, the slaves and slave girls do not sleep. -
Omnēs iam surgunt et labōrāre parant quod Cornēlium et Aurēliam timent.
Everyone now gets up and works to get ready because they fear Cornelius and Aurelia. -
Multī servī mox in agrōs currunt ubi strēnuē laborant.
Many servants soon run to the fields where they actively work. -
Aquam ē rivō in vīllam portant.
They carry water out of the water into the village. -
Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.
Now Cornelius and Aurelia get up. -
Iratus subitō est Cornēlius.
Suddenly Cornelius is angry. -
Cornēlius petit Davum quī in hortō est.
Cornelius looks for Davus who is int the garden.