Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.
It is not yet light, but Cornelia gets up an walks through the country house. -
Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.
However, the slaves and the slave women do not sleep. -
Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.
Now Cornelius and Aurelia get up. -
Davum reprehendit quod sub arbore sedet neque labōrat.
He blames Davus becuase he sits under a tree and does not work. -
Davus, ubi Cornelium audit, statim surgit et labōrāre parat.
Davus, when he hears Cornelius, immediately gets up and prepares to work. -
Aurēlia Cornēliam docet vīllam cūrāre.
Aurelia teaches Cornelia how to take care of the country house. -
Ancillae vīllam pūrgant, cibum coquunt, lānam trahunt.
The slave women clean the country house, cook the food, and spin wool. -
Mātrem observat Cornelia et omnia quae mater facit facere parat.
Cornelia observes mother, and everything mother does she prepares to do. -
Mātrem adiuvāre vult, sed ipsa neque servum neque ancillam reprehendit.
She wants to help mother, but she does not scold the slave or the slave woman. -
Cornēlia ancillam, nōmine Syram, observant quae vīllam purgat et alteram, nomine Thressam, quae cibum coquere parat.
Cornelia observes a slave woman, named Syra, who cleans the country house, and another named Thressa, who prepares to cook the food.