Ch. 6 by Cooper H. in 5th per

  • Cornēlius petit Davum quī in hortō est.

    Cornelius looks for Davum who is in the garden.
  • Adhūc dormiunt pater et māter et Marcus.

    The fater, the mother, ans Marcus still sleep.
  • Sextus dormit neque Cornēliam vexat.

    Neither Sextus sleeps nor Cornelia sleeps.
  • Aquam ē rivō in vīllam portant.

    Water is carried into the house and out of the river.
  • Servī et ancillae nunc strēnuē labōrant.

    The slave and slave girl now a strenuoulsly working.
  • Nōndum lūcet, sed Cornēlia surgit et per vīllam ambulat.

    It is not yet light, but Cornelia gets up and walks through the house.
  • Etiam Sextus dormit neque Cornēliam vexat.

    Also Cornelia will not annoy Sextus.
  • Omnēs iam surgunt et labōrāre parant quod Cornēlium et Aurēliam timent.

    Everyone now gets up and starts working because Cornelia and Aurelia are there.
  • Reprehendit Aurēlia ancillās sī ignāvae sunt.

    Aurelia blames the slave women for being lazy.
  • Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.

    Not however the slaves and slave women sleep.