Ch. 6 by Nelson in 5th period

  • Adhūc dormiunt pater et māter et Marcus.

    The dad, mom, and Marcusare still asleep.
  • Etiam Sextus dormit neque Cornēliam vexat.

    Also Sextus sleeps Cornilia will not annoy her
  • Nōn tamen dormiunt servī et ancillae.

    Not however slaves and slave woman sleep.
  • Multī servī mox in agrōs currunt ubi strēnuē laborant.

    Many slaves soon run in the feilds where they work activly.
  • Aquam ē rivō in vīllam portant.

    Tey carry water out of the streamto the house
  • Cornēlius petit Davum quī in hortō est

    Cornilius watches Davus who is in the garden.
  • Davum reprehendit quod sub arbore sedet neque labōrat.

    Davus gets scolded because he sits under the tree not working
  • Iratus subitō est Cornēlius.

    Cornilius is suddenly mad
  • Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.

    Now Cornilius and Aurelia get up.
  • Reprehendit Aurēlia ancillās sī ignāvae sunt.

    Aurelia sclods salve woman if they are lazy.