Ch. 6 byNick G. in 5th per

  • Adhuc dormiunt Pater, et Mater, et Marcus

    Mom, Dad, and Marcus are still sleeping.
  • Nondum lucet, sed Cornelia surgit et per villam ambulat.

    It is not yet light, but cornelia gets up and walks through the house.
  • Multī servī mox in agrōs currunt ubi strēnuē laborant.

    Many slaves soon run into the garden where they work hard
  • Iratus subitō est Cornēlius.

    Suddenly Cornelia gets mad.
  • Iam surgunt Cornelius et Aurēlia.

    Cornelia and Aurelia are get up
  • Aurēlia Cornēliam docet vīllam cūrāre.

    Aurelia and Corneliam teaches and run to the house.
  • . Etiam Sextus dormit neque Cornēliam vexat

    Soon Sextus also sleeps and Corneliam sleeps
  • Aque in rivum in villam portant

    Water is being carried from the river to the house
  • Davus ubi Cornelium audit,

    Where does Davus hear corneliam.
  • Corneliam petit Davum est qui in horto

    Cornelia looks for Davum who is in the garden