Raeda adhuc in fossa manebat quod raedarius eam movere non poterat.
Carriage still in the ditch to remain because cariage it to move not ____ -
Erat undecima hora.
It was the eleventh hour. -
Clamat Aurelia, "O me miseram!"
Aurelia said, "O poor me!" -
Omnes caupone non sunt periculosae.
Everyone the inn is not dangerous. -
Senatores Romani in cauponis non pernoctant.
The senator of Rome is in the inn so it is not dangerous. -
Cornelius tamen, "Quid facere possumus?"
Cornelius asked, "What are they able to do?" -
Graecus est et vir bonus.
The Greeks are good men. -
Est nullum auxilium.
Is there help coming? -
"Video", respondet Cronelia, "Quid est?"
"I see you" responds Cornelia, "What are you?" -
"Vidsne illud aedificium, domine?"
"Do you see that building, master?"