
Ch. 17 by Chris Metz

  • Erat undecima hora, et fragor in fossa.

    Erat undecima hora, et fragor in fossa.
    It is the eleveth hour, and crashedin the ditch.
  • Cornelius respondet,“Quid facere possumus?”

    Cornelius reponds,"what would we if we are not staying here?
  • sunt pernocatare caupona.

    they want to spend the night at the end.
  • sed caupona sunt perriculosus.

    but inns are dangerous.
  • sunt venet coupona

    sunt venet coupona
    they find inn.
  • Visne igitur ibi pernoctare caopone, domine?

    Do you want to spend the night at an inn, master?
  • aurelia non pernoctare caupona.

    aurelia does not want to spend the night.
  • sed familius amicus cum caupo.

    but the family is friends with innkeeper.
  • Cornēlius est senator Romanus. Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.

    Cornelius is a senator of Rome. Senators shoould not stay in an inn like this.
  • Cornelius et Eucledies ducebat raderius solus.

    Cornelius and eucleides escort the carriage alone.