Raeda haerebat in fossa et es undecima hora.
The carriage is stuck in the ditch, and it is the 11th hour. -
Cornelii timebat quod advesperascebat.
The Cornelii were becoming frightened because it began to get dark. -
Eucleides videbat aedificium procul.
Ecleides saw a buliding in the distance. -
Cornelius videt caupona.
Cornelius sees the inn. -
Aurelia non amat et es timet cauponae.
Aurelia does not love and is afraid of inns. -
Eucleides dicit, "Ille caupo est amicus meus."
Eucleides says, "That innkeeper is my friend." -
Aurelia dicit, " Cornelius est senator Romanus. Senatores Romani in caupo non pernoctant."
Aurelia says," Cornelius is a Roman senator. Roman Senators do not spend the night in inns." -
Cornelius non vult pernoctare in via.
Cornelius doesn't want to spend the night in the road. -
Eucleides Cornelios ad cauponam decebat.
Eucleides lead the Cornelius's to the inn. -
Raedarius manetbat in via custodire raedam et equos.
The coachman stayed in the road to guard the carriage and the horses.