• Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
    In Montesquies book, he proposed a speration of poweres would keep any individual or group from gaining total control of the government. He said "Power, should be a check to power." --An idea later called checks and balances
  • America declares independance

    America declares independance
    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independance on July 4th, 1776. This document declared the independance of the colonies using enlightenment ideas. This Document was writte because the colonists asked for the same political rights as the poeple in Britain had and the king refused.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French revoltedbecause they were jealous, yet inspired by America's independance. However they wanted no king. This idea did not succeed because a little later there were dictators.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d%u2019etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d%u2019etat
    Napolean was a an Italian serving as a french general, who like most men wanted power. Napolean led something called a Coup d'etat-- a sudden, overthow of the government, usually performed by the military.
  • apoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire

    apoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
    As the title says, Napolean LITERALLY crowns himself. When the Pope is placing the crown on his head, Napolean grabs it and puts it on himself. Napolean is trying to show that he is more powerfull than the church.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    Haiti was a place mostly populated by slaves. Haiti was ruled by France. Just like the French, the Haitians were inspired by the American revolution. The slaves realized they outnumbered there owners....so they took over.
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    Mexico's independance was started by Padre Hidalgo, then continued by Padre Morelos, finished by Agustin de Iturbide Mexico wanted independence from the Spanish. Agustin de Iturbide finally declared independance for Mexico and then made himself the new king.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    When Napoleon was the emperor of France, he attacked the British. Together the Brittish and the Prussian army defeated Napoleon and the French