Revolutionary War!

  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    These two battles were fought in control of the Contintal Armie's arms supplies (which were moved away from the two towns prior to the batlles, haha to the British). The Regulars swarmed Lexington, and a breif skirmish ensued. The colonists were defeated, most sent running back to Boston. The Regulars marched on to Concord where they bottle-necked crossing a bridge. The colonists were there to see that none made it to the other side. Firing at the Regulars, the colonists fought the British.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War!

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    At Bunker Hill in Boston, an encamped Continental Army fought off 2 attacks from the British. But, sadly, the colonists ran out of supply and had to retreat, giving the win to the Brit's. This battle showed the British that they werent fighting a radical group, they were fighting a war. The British then sailed back to Nova Scotia.
  • The Battle of Montreal

    The colonists stormed up to Montreal, and caught the ill-prepared British off-guard. The British went running to Quebec, the capitol of British-controlled Canada. Eh.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    Two groups of colonists marched onward to Quebec to rid Canada of the British. Big mistake. British Gen. Burgoyne commanded his army to a decisive victory against the Amaericans, who were sent back to Fort Ticonderoga, all the way in New York State!
  • Invasion of New York City and the Battle of Long Island

    The British sailed into New York, and, reciving legitametly NO resistance, they took over the Big Apple. The Battle of Long Island was a disgrace of a battle. The totally outnumbered colonists attempted to fight the British to rid them from New York, but to totally no avail. Many colonists killed, and barely any British blood was spilled.
  • The Battle of the White Plains

    Gen. Washington, never to give up, encamped not far from the city they had just lost to the British. The British marched to the encampment and obliterated Washington's troops. British Gen. Howe made a blunder though, and instead of totally cutting off the head of the Continental Army, he fortified the encampments to prevent another attack. Not the best idea in the long run.
  • Battle of Trenton

    This is the battle from which the famous painting of Gen. Washington was painted with him posing on a little boat. The British beleived that the colonists wouldnt try anything during the winter, so they shut down and figured they would resume in the spring to take Pennsylvania. Big mistake. late on Christmas day, Gen. Washington commanded his troops across the Deleware River and into battle with the sleeping Hessian mercinaries and British Regulars. The battle was an utter success, 1000 KIA/POW.
  • The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Although the war was going well in the lower north states, the British were still pretty much owning in New England. They sent a massive army to take out Ticonderoga, a once British fort that was embarrasingly almost handed over to the Americans. The General over the fort thought that Ticon could handle anything except a barrage of cannon fire, which could only make it over if shot from atop Mt. Sugar Loaf. The Gen thought the Brit's wouldnt climb that high. They did. Ticon was obliterated.
  • The Battle of Saratoga/ Surrender of Burgoyne

    Gen. Burgoyne from Britain thought he could take out Saratoga because he took down Ticon. In two battles, he was utterly defeated, and on October 17th, 1777, he negotiated his surrender to the Americans.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The British were fearing an attack from the French in Pennsylvania, so they went to retreat to occupied New York. Gen. Washington thought this was a good time to take out the new commander of the British forces in North America. He was right. The to armies clashed in 100+ degree heat, leaving nearly 1200 British dead, and barely half that on the Americans side.
  • Capture of Savannha, Georgia

    The British werent too happy about their failure in the North, so they started focusing on the South, beleiving that there was more loyal people in the South to British rule. The British swarmed in to Savahnna by boat, and took control of it until the end of the war.
  • Take over of Charleston

    A huge army ammased of British troops and loyalists of the British aided them to a complete takeover of Charelson. This made the British Gen. Clinton so happy and...basically pompous that he left his subordinate to command the fight down south because he beleived it wouldnt last long at all. 2 victories, and he already thinks he won. Wow.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Continental Congress were very scared of the recent victories of the British in the south, so they hastily put together another army, and sent them to Camden, SC. There they met a tiny British force, but most of the Continental soldiers were totally inexperienced, and they were quikly crushed.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    After hearing reports of geurilla activity south-west of Charollote, NC, Gen. Cornwallis sent a regiment of American loyalists to quell the rebellion. They were quikly beaten down and surrendered to a group of sneaky Colonial loyalists. THis was the only battle of the Revolutionary War where all fighters were American.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    A clash between Colonial regulars and British regulars clashed at a place known as Cow Pens. The Colonial regulars encircled the Brit's and killed, captured or wounded 91% of the British forces.
  • The Battle of the Guilford Court House

    A game of cat and mouse ensued as newly admited militiamen were attacked by superiorly trained British regulars. The regulars finnally attacked the Americans and quikly demolished them in a battle outside of the Guilford Court House.
  • The Battle of Eutaw Springs

    The British retreated back after their recent losses and were attacked by the Americans who wanted to clean up the south. The Americans were sent packing ater a bit of success early in the battle. Although the British one, they realized they werent winning and sailed to Charleston, SC.
  • The Seige of Yorktown

    Although the British were doing well, they pulled back, then launched a game of cat and mouse with French comander Laffeyate, who eluded him for a long time. Finnaly, sick of sunning and almost out of EVERYTHING, Cornwallis went to Yourktown, VA, to await supplies from NY. When Washington combined with the French, he trapped Cornwallis in Yorktown. Cornwallis surrendered and the war was almost effectively over. Negotiations are about to start.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris, which gave America indipendance and land, was signed by the Americans and English in Paris, France. This is the end of the Revolutionary War.