Butler Education Act, 1944 (UK)
The Act introduced three different types of school: Grammar schools, Secondary Modern schools and Technical schools. This act introduced the tripartite system. Pupils took the 11+ examination in order to be allocated to a particular type of school. Secondary education became free and compulsory for all up to 15. -
The Crowther Report,1959 (UK)
Recommended raising the school leaving age to 16 and the provision of further education for 15-19 year olds. (University of Wolverhampton, no date) -
(CSE) Certificate of Secondary Education (UK)
CSE was introduced in this year -
Zanzibar gained independence (Zanzibar)
On 16 December 1963 Zanzibar gained its independence from the British and becomes a sovereign government of Zanzibar. Prior to this date Zanzibar was ruled by a monarch under 'British Protectorate' and hence its education was significantly influenced by the British educational system. -
Revolutionary Government (Zanzibar)
Few weeks later the conservative government was overthrown in a bloody revolution. Immediately after the revolution Zanzibar united with Tanganyika to form United Republic of Tanzania. Education did not become a union matter and has been free and compulsory to a secondary level. However, since then, many educational policy decisions have been taken in a trial-and-error approach that has, occasionally, lead to catastrophic consequences.
(SACMEQ Policy Research No.4: Zanzibar. Paris: IIEP., p3) -
The Plowden Report, 1967 (UK)
This report put forward the idea that children do not learn by genetic ability alone but emphasised environmental factors in learning and development. “The Plowden Committee put the child at the centre of learning and opened up new approaches to pedagogy…” (University of Wolverhampton, no date) -
My Birth
I arrived on this planet crying whilst everyone around was happy! -
School leaving age raised to 16 (UK)
My pre-primary education (Zanzibar)
I started my pre-primary education at Kidutani primary school -
Callaghan's speech: The Great Debate (UK)
Former prime minister Lord Callaghan's speech at Ruskin College started the great debate in education. He stated "unease felt by parents and others about the new informal methods of teaching, which seem to produce excellent results when they are in well-qualified hands but are much more dubious when they are not".
(BBC, Callaghan's great education debate: Last Updated 27 march 2005) -
Special Education Act, 1981 (UK)
This act was very important for young people with disability to have place within mainstream education. The act defined the term Special Education Needs (SEN). -
Education Act of 1982 (Zanzibar)
The act made the provision of basic education up to secondary level to be compulsary and free -
Started my Secondary Education (Zanzibar)
Started the first cycle of secondary education termed as the "junior secondary education" at Haile Sellasie Secondary school formely known as Sir Euan Smith Madressa -
Introduction of City Technology Colleges (UK)
Introduction of 11-18 schools partially funded by the industry and offering a vocational as well as an academic curriculum. National council for Vocational Qualification was established to accredit NVQs. Also late in this decade schools were allowed to have Grant Maintained Status if they wish to opt out of LEA control by getting their funding direct from the central government. -
I finished my O-Level (Zanzibar)
I finished Form IV - the second cycle of my secondary education, termed as “senior secondary education” -
1988 Education Reform Act (UK)
National Curriculum was introduced for core subjects (English, Maths and Science). Also in this year SATs were introduced for 5, 7 and 11 year olds. GCSE replaced 'O' level in all subject. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) replaces O-levels and CSEs. (BBC, Timeline: English school exams, last updated 15 October, 2004) -
Started my A-Level (Zanzibar)
I started my A-Level at Lumumba Secondary School formely known as King George VI -
Finished my A-Level (Zanzibar)
I finished Form VI with very good A-Level grades in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics -
Higher Education (UK)
I started my first degree at Portsmouth University -
OFSTED was born (UK)
Politics.co.uk states that "Ofsted was formed under the Education (Schools) Act 1992, as part of the major overhaul and centralisation of the school system begun by the Education Reform Act 1988, which introduced the National Curriculum, extensive testing in schools and the publication of league tables." -
University Graduation
I graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a BEng. (Honours) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree. -
The National Literacy Strategy
"The National Literacy Strategy was introduced by the Labour government in 1997. It recognised that literacy standards in the UK had not improved since the 1940s and only 63% of 11 year olds were reaching the standard of English expected of them. It set a literacy target - that 80% of 11 year olds would reach a suitable standard in English by 2002."
(V&A Museum of Childhood: http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/childrens_lives/education_creativity/education_england/index.html) -
General Teaching Council
This is a professional body for teaching and provide opportunities for teachers to shape the development of professional practice and policies, and to maintain and set professional standards.
"Following consultation with a wide variety of educational stakeholders - including the teacher unions - the GTC was established by the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998."
http://www.gtce.org.uk/gtc/what_the_gtc_does/history/ -
Special Education Needs and Disability Act
Directgov website: (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/EducationAndTraining/DG_4001076) states that: "The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 amended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 to make unjustified discrimination by education providers against disabled pupils, students and adult learners unlawful." -
City Academies
"The Labour government revealed plans to introduce City Academies in 2002 as part of a five-year plan to improve education. City Academies are designed to improve inner city education by building new schools, introducing new technology and changing the ethos of schools. The scheme is controversial since schools will only get academy status if they raise £2 million from private funds."
(V&A Museum of Childhood: http://www.vam.ac.uk/moc/childrens_lives/education_creativity/education_england/index -
Laming Report
The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Report followed in the same year by Every Child Matters Building Schools for the Future (BSF) launched. (University of Wolverhampton no date) -
The Children Act: Every Child Matters
This act sets out the government's approach to the well-being of children and young people from birth to age 19.
The aim of the Every Child Matters programme is to give all children the support they need to: * be healthy * stay safe * enjoy and achieve * make a positive contribution * achieve economic well-being. http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/about/ -
Renewed Key Stage 3 National Curriculum
Renewed Key Stage 3 National Curriculum and 14 -19 Diplomas introduced (University of Wolverhampton, no date) -
I started PGCE in ICT at Wolverhampton University