
  • Jamestown

    English settle in Jamestown
  • The First Thanksgiving

    A gathering of peace between the English Pilgrims and the native Indians in Plymouth.
  • Period: to

    The Pequot Wars

    Armed conflict in 1634-1638 between Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies with Native American allies against the Pequot tribe. The result was the annihilation of the Pequot tribe.
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    French/Indian War

    After this war ended, colonists thought: 1.they did not need a military, 2. they could expand west, 3.they should have the rights of Englishmen, 4.they were the reason for the victory. On the other hand, the English thought: 1.THEY were the reason for victory, 2. colonies did not have a good set up for tax collection, 3.colonists needed to get on board with mercantilism
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation that stated that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachians
  • Sugar/Revenue Act of 1764

    Revised duties on sugar, tea, coffee, wine and expanded jurisdiction of some courts.
  • Currency Act

    Colonies could not produce their own money, taxes to England had to be paid in specie(gold or silver).
  • Period: to

    Stamp Act

    Documents must contain a revenue stamp to be legal.
  • Quartering Act

    British troops must be given housing on demand from colonists.
  • Declaratory Act

    Parliment declares the right to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever.
  • Period: to

    Townshend Acts

    Taxes on new items including tea, glass, paint and other goods available in the Western Hemisphere
  • Boston Massacre

    The random shooting of 5 people by British soldiers in Boston. This resulted in, 1. Hancock and John Adams breaking away from the confederation, and 2. Sam Adams creats Committees of Correspondence.
  • Tea Act

    East India Tea Company granted sole right to sell tea directly to Americans; some duties on tea reduced.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Sons of Liberty lead the dumping of 10,000lbs of tea into the Atlantic Ocean. The purpose was the provoke the British to make unwise acts of retaliation.
  • Boston Port Act

    English war ships closed the Boston Port
  • New England Restraining Act

    Forbid the entire area of New England from trading with anyone but England
  • "Countryside in Arms"

    General Gage of England was sent to capture John Hancock abd Sam Adams, and in Lexington/Concord, encountered a "Countryside in Arms." 73 British soldiers were killed. This came to be known as Patriot's Day.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    Fought between colonists and Britain, the American Revolution solidified American Independence. The American colonists were supported by French and Spanish, and led by general George Washington.
  • Declaration of Causes of Taking Up Arms

    Colonists declare war against Britain.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The last attempt by the Americans to avoid Revolutionary War with Great Britain.
  • Prohibitory Act of 1775

    This prohibited anyone in England from trading with the colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Written by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence declared independence from British rule. The Declaration discussed ideas of Natual Law and the Social Contract, inspired bu john Locke, and it limited grievances against King George III.
  • Declaration of Independence

    America declares independence from Britain.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Turning point in the Revolutionary War becuse it marks the begining of the French Alliance
  • Articles of Confederation

    The first form of national government in the colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Signed between Britain and America, this marked the end of the Revolutionary war.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Colonists agree to call a meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    Slaves were to be considered 3/5 of a person for both representation and taxation, also that federal government could not infringe on slavery for twenty years.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    James Madison and others wrote an entirely new document designed to clearly define and separate the powers of the central government, the powers of the states, the rights of the people and how the representatives of the people should be elected.
  • George Washington takes the first presidential oath

    Washington won the first presidential vote, and was the only president to ever receive unanimous votes in his favor.
  • French Revolution begins

    This marks the start of the French Revolution, which was considered the single most crucial influence on British intellectual, philosophical, and political life in the nineteenth century.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    An act to establish the Judiciary Courts of the United States
  • The first Census

    This marks the first census ever taken in the United States. The law required that every household be visited and that completed census schedules be posted in ‘‘two of the most public places within [each jurisdiction], there to remain for the inspection of all concerned...’’ and that‘ ‘the aggregate amount of each description of persons’’ for every district be transmitted to the President.
  • Bank of the US created

    The first bank of the United States, created in part by Washington, was given $10million to start with, 1/5 of which was owned by the federal government.
  • Excise tax passed

    Congress passed the first excise tax, which is a tax on specific goods, in this case on whiskey.
  • Vermont becomes a state

    Vermont becomes the 14th State of America.
  • Bill of Rights

    The first ten amendments to the Consitution were made in this Bill of Rights, originally as a compromise for anti-federalists.
  • Washington Reelected President

    Washington was reelected president at the 2nd presidential election in 1792.
  • Louis XVI beheaded

    In 1792 King Louis XVI was tried before the National Convention, where he was found guilty of having conspired against the liberty of the nation. In January of 1793 he was put to death by the Guillotine.
  • France declares war on Britain and Spain

    France, Britain, and Spain plunge into war in 1793, and Washington wisely adopts a foreign policy of neutrality.
  • Neutrality Proclamation

    A proclamation issued by Washington declaring neutrality in the disputes between France, Spain, and Britain.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    The “last battle of the American Revolution,” the US victory over a confederacy of Indian tribes opened the Northwest Territory, formerly unceded by Indians, for westward expansion and led to Ohio’s statehood in 1803.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay asked for 3 things from Britain:
    1.The withdrawal of British soldiers from posts in the American West
    2. A commission to be established to settle outstanding border issues between the U.S. and Canada
    3. A commission to be established to resolve American losses in British ship seizures and Loyalist losses during the War for Independence
  • John Adams becoms 2nd president

    John Adams win the race against Thomas Jefferson in 1797 to become the 2nd president of the United States.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Stated that Resident Aliens could be deported if they were considered a threat to the US, and that people could be jailed/fined for criticizing gov, inciting a riot.