Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
- the first time it was issued was referred to as the Bull of Demarcation which was issued by the Pope
- the treaty drew a line to mark the land that would be granted to Spain and Portugal
- Spain- recieved the land west of the line
- Portugal- recieved land east of the line (over into west Africa)
- explains why Brazil speaks Poruguese
House of Burgesses
- establishment of the first representative government in Virginia -was made up of 22 men
- preceded to enact laws in the colonies
- failed but was a landmark in the progression of a representative government in the Americas
Mayflower Compact
-an agreement of government by majority rule in the plymouth colony -
Albany Plan
-attempt to unify colonies
-rough plan for government -
Townshend Acts of 1763
-intended to put colonial governors and judges on the British payroll
- tax on lead, paint, glass, and tea -
Paxton Boys
- occurred near Harrisburg
- back country people (men) were irritated that they were not being protected so they marched and massacred the Conestoga Indains
- this as a false execution of the anger because they targeted the wrong native american tribe and massacred the tribe that has had good communication and realtions with the colonists
Tea Act
-purpose was for money-wanted to pay for debt of Britian
-trials for people caught smuggling are moved to Novia Scotia
-started non-impoirtation agreements -
Stamp Act Congress
-9 colonies represented
-voted not to fight for representation
-emphasiized right to tax themselves -
Boston Massacre
The Regulator Movement
-from western North Carolina
-people on the frontier were being taxed
-so they protested and went to officials houses and drug them down stairs -
Gaspee Affairs
-Britain was clamping down trying to enforce the Navigation Acts-run aground
-colonists went to Gaspee and beat up the crew and burned the ship -
Tea Act of 1773
-east india trading company about to go bankrupt-kept them in business
-redeuced cost of tea for colonists- protesting the principle of the tax -
Suffolk Resovles
-small declaration of war aganist Britain bu MA
-mimi delcaration of Independence -
Lexington and Concord
-where the shot heard around the world was fired
-gage and his men marched back and were met by a Countryside of Arms -
Second Continental Congress
-decide to offer a treaty to the Indians as like a 14th state
-make Washington the leader of the Contintental Army
-attack Canada- with the help of the Montgomery and Arnold -
Olive Branch Petition
-the colonists wanted piece and wanted back together with Britian
-king refuses to see the petition and just outright rejects -
Bunker Hill
-colonists were low on ammunition
-colonists win but lose a lot of coloniests
-in their fighting they really impressed the British -
Declaration of Independence
-intro is the preamble
-body-the complaints aganist the King
-actual delcaration
-prosed by Richard Lee
-written by Thomas Jefferson -
Battle of Trenton
-colonists started it
-Washington thought that they needed to fight and get a victory so that more people would sign up and extend their term
-colonists are victorious -
The Articles of Confederation
-proposed in 1777
-ratified by all except Maryland
-1st plan of government in the colonies
-1781-officially ratified by all states
-had many flaws -
Peace Treaty of Paris
-ended the Revolutionary War
-establishes the Mississippi River as the western boundary of the US
-recognizes the independence of the US
-says that British forts will be evacuated in the northwest -
Proclamation Act of 1763
-prohibited settlerment west of the Appalachians
-Britian wanted to control the population so they could keep tabs and maintain control
-dont want the states in the fur trade
-redirect the population- more people relying on England (purchasing more items) -
Land Ordinance of 1785
-old northwest (todays midwest) divided in between 3 to 5 states -
Stamp Act of 1765
-everything that was sold by the British government has to be stamped (legal documents and newspapers) -
Annapolis COnvention
-Virginia called for it
-only 5 states showed
-proposal-decided to reconvene the Continental Congress so they can revise the Articles of Confederation -
Shays Rebellion
showed that the Articles were not working -
The Constitutional Convention
-delegates- 55, intelligent, well-off
-balance of power
-restriction on suffrage
-wanted a strong executive -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
-requirements to have territorial requirements for Constitution
-has to be approved by Congress to become a state -
Bank of the united States
-money was loaned out- developed industry (NORTH)-help people with money
- stock in the money is compromised with mostly the wealthy -
Excise Tax on Whiskey
-excise Tax- tax on a a specific thing
-whiskey- was the pereferred drink of the south (not the north)
-largest part of Hamilitons economic plan -
Marbury vs. Madison
-between William Marbury and James Madison who was the Secretary of State
-Adams at the end of his term creates 16 new offices and appoints 16 Federalists to those terms- emphasizes his ideology in the federal government
-Jefferson decides not to deliver one of the appointments- he is sued-was heared by the Supreme Court and was decided that the 16 offices that were appointed are unconstitutional-
-discovers the precedent for judicial review-the Supreme Court gave this power to themselves -
The Lousisiana Purchase
-purchase of New Orleans was discussed in France and the US sent an envoy and they asked for the right of deposit back in New Orleans- French asked how much they would give for the entire territory of Louisiana (US thought that if they kept having problems with the right of deposit in New Orleans then it could lead to a war so they decided to purchase the whole territroy)-purchased it for $15 million dollars
-this more than doubled the amount of land in the US -
Chesapeake Incident
-worst form of Impressment
-U.S.S Chesapeaqke was within site of American Coast- stopped by British and asked to board so they can look for deserters- American ships dont allow it- British firres and come on board and capture 3 people (British deserter, African African, someone from Maryland) -
Orders of Council
- Universal Edict that said all trade with Europe must go through England (gave them the right to attack ships)
Embargo of 1807
-where the US under the control of Jefferson declared themselves not trading with anyone (all foreign trade cut off)
-the United States thought that they were a lot more important then they actually were
-US would have initated war but they didnt have the army so they put the embargo into place -
War of 1812
-Declaration of War on 6/4/1812
-Voted by House of Representatives with a 79/49 vote
-Senate vote for 19/13 - votte was not unified
-War aganist England and not France because of they are the former mother country and they didnt respect the U.S's independence
-Republicans in power- didnt like England (angered Federalists)
-are close to the attack- Canada -
Battle of Lake Erie
-a battle at sea
- cmmander for the United States- Oliver Hazard Perry
-80% of Perry's sailors killed
-Americas WON!!!!
- Victory- helps U.S secure control of the northwest -
Battle of Thames
-Tecumseh is killed- the Indian Confederation is stopped
- the the U.S gain control of the west (northwest) -
Battle of Horshoebend
-Andrew Jackson lead the Americas
-fighting the Creek Indians in Alabama
-the Americas slaughtered the Creek Indians
-broke up Indian resistance in the southwest -
Battle of Plattsburg
-Americas lead by Thomas MacDonough
-victory- take control of Lake Champlaign
-after that Britian tries to take control through Chesapeake -
Hartford Convention
-Dec. 15, 1814-Jan. 4, 1815
-Federalists from New England
discussion topics:
-ends the 3/5s Compromise-because it benefited the South
-1 term for President
-president from different states
-limit congress ability to declare war, embargos, and admitting states -
Treaty of Ghent
-agreement to end the War of 1812 between Britain and United States
-signed in Ghent, Belgium
-Britian was ok with stopping War because they has been fighting for 20 years and were ready for a break -
Fisheries Commission of 1818
-opened the Grand Banks to the United States -
Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1818
-demilitarized United States and Canada border and the Great Lakes