Infobox collage for wwii

The 1930's

  • Period: to

    The 1930's

  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Starting on September 19, 1931 Japan invades Manchuria. In violation of all treaty obligations Japan invades Machuria in northeast China. The United States would not recognize any treaty that involved the sovereignty of China. Several of Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed. This lead up to War World II.
  • Burning of the Reichstag

    Burning of the Reichstag
    On Feburary 27, 1933 the Reichstag was set on fire, which was the German parliament in Berlin, Germany. This was an arson attack, and the nazis knew it was the communist and many were arrested. This was evidence to the nazis that the communist were planning a plot against the German government,
  • Franklin Roosevelt elected President

    Franklin Roosevelt elected President
    FDR was the 32nd President of the United States. He lead the country during an economic crisis and a world war. He was paralyzed from the waist down, suffering from polio. Although his disability didn't get in his way for becoming President, he was elected four times.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    This marks the beginning of the third reich. When the Enabling Act was passed it gave the Chancellor full legislative powers for a period of four years, this means he could introduce any law without consulting parliament. Hilter turned Germany into a powerful war machine. If a person refused to his orders they would be executed. Hilter's ability to lie and cheat helped him win power.
  • Hilter becomes Führer

    Hilter becomes Führer
    After president Hindenburg dies, Hitler took his place calling himself Führer, which means "leader" of a new German Reich (the third reich). This was a unique name that was made up by Hitler, he was the only leader called Führer.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia
    The invasion of Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige. Mussolini saw it as an opportunity to provide land for unemployed Italians and also acquire more mineral resources to fight off the effects of the Great Depression.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    On July 17, 1936 the Spanish Civil War took place, it began after an attempt of putsch by a group of Spanish army generals.Many beleive this war was promoted by Germany, Italy, and Russia for testing their weapony in combat situations. In the end Spain was divided and victory of the Nationalists, also the overthrow of the Republican government.
  • Annexation of Austria

    Annexation of Austria
    Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, and it was the first nation to be annexed by Hitler's Nazi Germany. Several years before the annexation there had been pressure from Germany and also supporters in Austria for Hitler's plan. He planned to take over the German speaking countries of Austria before he started war, such as Czechoslovakia and the Rhineland.
  • "Peace for our time"

    "Peace for our time"
    "Peace for our time" was spoken on September 30, 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech. The speech was about the Munich Agreement and the Anglo-German Declaration. Not even one year after the agreement aggression from Germany increases and eventually lead to World War II.
  • Soviet-Japanese Border War

    Soviet-Japanese Border War
    In 1939, there were a series of border conflicts between the Soviet Union and Japan. After the occupation of Manchukuo and Korea, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories. Most conflicts happened on the border of Manchuria. The Soviets took victory, and these conflicts lead up to War World II.
  • Invasion of Poland by Germany and Soviet Union

    Invasion of Poland by Germany and Soviet Union
    On September 1, 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. Within weeks of invasion the Polish army was defeated. On October 6, 1939 the invasion ended, Germany and the Soviet Union divided Poland. This lead up to World War II.