The Police!
The meterapolitan police started up on the 24th of January 1829, but they were corrupt! -
Childrens workhouses were established, these were flour mills or mines where children were forced to work and is they disobeyed they were sold, (like Oliver Twist!)! -
Arthur Conan Doyle Was Born!
The great Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Was Born! His parents said he looked like a Doctor! -
Industrial Revelution
At This date the industrial revalution was just recognized! CHOO CHOO! -
Around this time schooling was only affordable for the upper class as there was no puplic schools! -
Jack the Ripper
Jack the ripper was a serial killer in 1888. On the 10 of November the corrupt police found a blood splatter in a tunnel next to a barber shop in east London! Jack toyed with the police by sending body parts in the mail!