amendment 24

By wes
  • Breedlove vs Suttles

    blacks can't vote
  • tryed to rid poll taxes

    congress tryed to rid all poll tax
  • 1939 bill

    1939 bill to abolish poll taxes in fedral elections was tied up by lawmakers from the south
  • Smith vs Alwright

    suprem court banded the "white primary"
  • Presidents Committee on Civil Rights

    was establised by U.S. Presedent Harry Trumans Executive Order 9808 on Dec./ 5/47
  • amendment proposed by congress

    amendment proposed for all states it took from Dec., 1962 to Jan., 1964
  • rejection

    mississippi rejected amendment
  • ratifacation

    congress ratifyed by 38 states 24th amendment and abolished poll taxes that made it difficult for blacks to vote
  • Harper vs Virgina Board of Education

    found Virginas poll tax unconstitional under equal protection cluse of 14th amendment
  • Harman vs Forssenius

    upheld amendment poll taxes illigal
  • still not ratifiyed

    Arizona, Arkansas ,Geogia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, South Carilina, Wyoming