Blues develops from African roots, and hill music develops from European roots
Charles Wheatstone reproduces sound in a primitive sound box - the first microphone.
Record Player
First synthesizer was invented
Thomas Edison invented the first music recorder
Emile Berliner invents the gramophone - a system of recording which could be used over and over again.
Loudspeakers invented.
Lee Deforest invents the electronic amplifying tube or triode - this allowed all electronic signals to be amplified improving all electronic communications
Swing grows from jazz
First electric guitar
Joseph Begun invents the first tape recorder
Long playing record invented - vinyl and played at 33 rpm.
RCA develops 45 rpm record
High-fidelity and stereo technology is introduced
Birth of Rock n'Roll
The 8-track was invented.
Beatles become most popular rock group ever
Rock 'n' roll fragments into various strains of rock
Punk and new wave music develop
Hip-Hop develops in South Bronx
Sony Walkman invented.
MTV begins broadcasting
compact disc
Digital audiotape is introduced