General education

The Timeline of Education

By khan
  • Period: to


  • Education act 1944

    Education act 1944
    The Education Act- aka- ‘ The Butler Act’ after the man who devised it, this act was implemented after the Second World War to aid with the Governments’ plans of Social Reconstruction and it replaced almost all previous education legislation. The act established three stages of education: primary, secondary and further education. • Free and compulsory education to 15
    • Free education to 18 for all who want it
    • 11+ exams
  • Free school milk

    Free school milk
    Free school milk introduced by the first post-war Minister of Education Ellen Wilkinson. An attempt was also made to raise the school leaving age to 16 and provide free school meals, but was dismissed on grounds of cost
  • General Certificate of Education (GCE) introduced

    In 1951 two levels of public examinations were introduced: the first was ‘O Level’ (ordinary level) which was designed to replace the older School Certificate (SC) presented to pupils on leaving, and secondly the ‘A Level’ (advanced level) examination for 18 year old school leavers
  • Crowther report

    Crowther report
    The Crowther report recommended the raising of the school leaving age to 16 years, the introduction of comprehensive schooling for all, a new exam below level and a range of sixth form courses other than ‘A level’. It also drew attention to the ‘wastage of talent; thus recommended the expansion of further education (FE) and a coherent national system of vocational education and training.
  • Certificate of secondary education (CSE)

    Introduced across; England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Newsom report 1963

    Newsom report 1963
    This report provided statistics detailing pupils reading test scores by school and region with schools failing many students aged 13-16 of average and below ability.This called into question many secondary modern schools who seemed to be seriously deficient with most funding being channelled into the grammar schools.
  • The Plowden report 1967

    The Plowden report 1967
    Every child is an individual, developing at their own rate in 3 areas: Physical; Intellectual; Emotional. It also puts emphasis on how the environment in which children learn effects the learning taking place.
  • Sex discrimination act

    Sex discrimination act
    Discrimination on the grounds of gender became illegal.
  • Race relations act

    Race relations act
    Discrimination on the grounds of race became illegal.
  • Thatcher's regime

    Thatcher's regime
    Thatcher became Prime Minister on 4 May 1979.
    Her time spent as education secretary between 1970-1974: she imposed public expenditure cuts on the state education system (the abolition of free milk for school-children aged seven to eleven). Leading to the opposition and press labeling her "Margaret Thatcher milk snatcher"
  • Education (special education) act 1981

    Education (special education) act 1981
    Inclusive of the values underpinned by the Warnock’s report (1978); special educational needs (SEN) were now being identified within the educational system and statemented if required. Children with special needs were now to be educated in 'mainstream schools', parents were able to appeal against statementing of their child and the LEA's were now responsible for identifying and assessing special needs and providing the statementing as required.
  • The Swann report 1985

    The Swann report 1985
    The Swann Report from 1985 was a Government Report that called for education for all and supported the idea of a multicultural education system for all schools
  • Born here

    Born here
    Born in Birmingham.
  • National vocational qualification (NVQ)

    Introduction of NVQ to accredit competence in the work place led to a parallel introduction of vocational qualifications in school and college • Technical vocational education initiative (TVEI)
    • Youth opportunities programmes (YOP’s)
  • Corporal punishment bannned (state)

    Corporal punishment bannned (state)
    Corporal punishment was banned in State Schools in 1986 however remained legal and continued to be used in Independent Schools.
  • GCSE's

    Introduction of the general certificate of education (GCSE); replacing the existing O level and CSE exams. New methods of assessing learning developed, e.g. course work, application of knowledge not just memorisation of facts.
  • Education reform act 1988

    Education reform act 1988
    The 1988 Education Reform Act regarded as one of the most important pieces of education legislation in the UK Introduced: • Grant Maintained Schools (GMS)
    • Local Management of Schools (LMS)
    • The National Curriculum
    • Key Stages
    • League Tables showing results publicly
    • Element of choice as to parents could decide on their preferred schools
  • Corporal Punishment Banned (Independent)

    Corporal Punishment Banned (Independent)
    Corporal Punishment Banned in all Independent Schools; 2 yaers after being banned in state schools
  • Ofsted

    Office for standards in education (Ofsted) was set up in 1992 by the British government with the task of improving standards in education and childcare in England.
  • Started primary school 1992

    Started primary school 1992
    Oldknow Junior School in year 3
  • The Dearing review

    The Dearing review
    Set up in response to the campaigns against the national curriculum and its testing regime by major teaching unions. Recommended a slimmer, less prescribed curriculum, and a range of academic/vocational pathways for students 14-19
  • GNVQ's

    General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ's) offered as a work based alternative for non academic students, can be studied alongside GCSE's / A Levels and are controversially equivalent to 4 GCSE's surrounding league tables.
  • Started secondary school 1996

    Started secondary school 1996
    Finished primary school by concluding with key stage 2 SAT’s in Maths, English and science: achieving level 3 in all subjects. I then moved on to Small heath school in year 7.
  • Blair's reign

    Blair's reign
    Blair became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 2 May 1997-2007.
  • School Standards and Framework Act 1998

    School Standards and Framework Act 1998
    Aimed to limit class sizes (notably in primary schools), extend the powers of the LEA (interventions in weak and failing schools) and abolish grant maintained schools that were set up by the previous conservative government
  • Started sixth form 2001

    Started sixth form 2001
    I finished secondary school by completing my GCSE’s in all subjects. I then went onto study Biology and Chemistry at A level.
  • Started university 2003

    Started university 2003
    Due to only taking 2 A level subjects and achieving poor results; I had limited options and enrolled onto a 1 year foundation course studying Computer Technology. After completing this 1 year course with excellent grades; I then enrolled onto my 3 year degree course (BSc Computer Networks for Business).
  • The Children Act 2004 - ECM

    The Children Act 2004 - ECM
    Every Child Matters (ECM) was passed in 2004: • Be healthy
    • Stay safe
    • Enjoy and achieve
    • Make a positive contribution
    • Achieve economic well-being
  • National Strategy for Secondary Education

    National Strategy for Secondary Education
    Replaces the KS3 Strategy and introduces personalised learning. • Interactive and inclusive teaching
    • Small groups
    • one to one tuition for those that need it
    • Innovative use of ICT
  • Vocational qualifications and 14-19 Diplomas

    Vocational qualifications and 14-19 Diplomas
    New 14-19 Diplomas introduced for the new academic year