I was born (Canada)
This was a significant event because this is when my life actually started! -
moved back to Canada
I lived in the Middle East from the age of 6 months until I was a year and a half. This was because my dad got a job there before I was born. -
brother born
This event was significant because my brother was my first and only sibling. -
moved houses
I moved into a new house around the corner from the school. This was significant because it was the first time I had my own room. It also was the first time I lived close enough to the school to walk. -
family trip to Mexico
My family trip to Mexico was significant because it was the first tropical vacation since I was 3 years old. -
trip alone to Texas
Going to Texas alone was exciting because it made me feel like I was growing up and it was an experience that I had never had before. -
dance scholarship
Getting a dance scholarship was exciting because I had worked really hard for the first 2 years of my dance career to achieve this. I was one of the three students out of the 300 students in the entire school to get a scholarship! -
grade 8 graduation
It was exciting to graduate elementary school because it closed a chapter in my life and it was great to have the feeling of getting through 10 years of school successfully.