Criminaljustice violator

Stephen Wilson's Shop Timeline

  • Nine Week Rotation in Criminal Justice

    The criminal justice really became intersting to me during this nine week period.
  • First Year in Criminal Justice

    This is the beginning of my criminal justice endeavors my Sophmore year.
  • First Legal Issue

    Legal Issues are weekly news articles that have to do with criminal justice. This would be the first of many more to come.
  • First Debate

    My first ever organized debate in criminal justice was on capitla pun ishment. I was a con on this issue.
  • First Mock Trial

    My first ever mock trial in criminal justice was a murder case. I was a prosecution lawyer. This also was my first lose in a mock trial competition.
  • First Thanksgiving Party

    On that day we had a wonderful feast prepare and as we enjoyed our food we gave thanks for all blessings that we had receive.
  • Senior vs. Sophmores in Mock Trial

    The trial against the Seniors was ok, we Sophmores held our own, but the Seniors had more experience and beat us.
    it was fun
  • First Exam

    My first exam was a surprise it consist of only 12 questions which I got to answer orally.
  • 2nd Yr. of Criminal Justice

    This the first day of my second year in criminal justice. This would also be the year we get a new teacher for CJ Mr. Valeski.
  • First Test Given by New Teracher

    My first given by Mr. Valeski was horrible I thought it was going to be easy I was so wrong.