72 History

  • Apr 30, 1534

    New France begins

    New France begins
    Jacques Cartier founded the colony New France for the French King.
  • Period: Apr 30, 1534 to

    Grade 7 - 72

  • British North America begins

    British North America begins
    the British won the 7 years of war and France had to surrender New France after the Peace Treaty of 1763/Paris
  • Attack on Fort Detroit

    Attack on Fort Detroit
  • The Bloody Assize

    The Bloody Assize
    Assize is the historical term used for courts that administered civil and criminal law.
    The Bloody Assize was a series of trials that occurred during the war of 1812.
    There were many residents of Upper Canada who sided with the Americans.
    In 1813, Canadian Militia found a group of these men in a house near Chatham Ontario. These prisoners were tried. Nineteen men were charged with high treason.
    Fifteen were found guilty. -Nathan
    Eight were hung to death. The rest were exiled.