
  • Disco

  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day. It marks the anniversary of what many be consider the birth of the modern environmental movement. At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Pollution was the main factor.
  • First Environmental Protection Agency

    First Environmental Protection Agency
    The purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    This amendment allowed 18-year-olds to vote.
  • End of the Gold standard: Nixon Shock

    End of the Gold standard: Nixon Shock
    Under the administration of the French President Charles de Gaulle, France reduced its dollar reserves, trading them for gold from the U.S. government, thereby reducing U.S. economic influence abroad until 1970. This, along with the fiscal strain of federal expenditures for the Vietnam War and persistent balance of payments deficits, led President Richard Nixon to end the direct convertibility of the dollar to gold on August 15, 1971, resulting in the system's breakdown: Nixon Shock
  • Apollo 17 flies to the moon

    Apollo 17 flies to the moon
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
  • The Senate Watergate Hearing

    The Senate Watergate Hearing
  • Watergate Scandal: Secret Tapes

    Watergate Scandal: Secret Tapes
  • Hank Aaron

    Hank Aaron
  • Watergate Scandal: The House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach the President

    Watergate Scandal: The House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach the President
  • President Nixon resigns

    President Nixon resigns
  • Watergate Scandal: Ford pardons Nixon for crimes

    Watergate Scandal: Ford pardons Nixon for crimes
  • Bill Gates founds Microsoft

    Bill Gates founds Microsoft
  • Heart rose to fame

    Heart rose to fame
  • The first home personal computer, Commodore PET, released for retail sale

    The first home personal computer, Commodore PET, released for retail sale