1992 BCE
Rodney King Decision and L.A Riots
On the 7th day, the jury acquitted all 4 of the officers of assaulting and torturing Rodney King. Only 3 of the 4 officers got out of using excessive force. The beating of Rodney King is what caused the L. A riot and caused all the damage around L.A This had such an impact today because of how much damage the riots caused -
Bill Clinton Elected President
Clinton was elected because he promised economic recovery. Clinton's presidency had a great impact, he had the longest economic expansion ever in American history. -
Jimmy Carter Elected President
He won this election because he convinced voters that he was a common man of pure motives and that he would do good things. He said he would be a honest president after the Watergate incident. -
Star Wars Movie Premier
In 1975 they started filming the movie. The movie was supposed to be released on December 25, 1976, but it was pushed back to mid-1977 due to production delays. -
Mount St. Helens Eruption
Rocks, ash, steam, and volcanic ash were blasted upward. 57 people were killed and hundreds of homes, buildings, and structures were destroyed. After the explosion forests were destroyed and rivers now went different ways. This is important because it sparked interest to make sure we know when something like this is gonna happen. -
Three Mile Island Meltdown
They said a cooling malfunction happened and caused part of the core to melt in Reactor 2. It was a small explosion and no one was injured. A small amount of radiation was released but that was it. -
Iran Hostages Released
The 13 hostages were taken because women and African Americans believed that they were spies. Two weeks after they were taken Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ordered that they would be released. They were released only because the cost began to outweigh the benefits. This made others think that they were going to be taken and held hostage. -
Assassination Attempt on President Reagan
The person who tried to shoot him was 30-year-old John Hinckley. He was trying to impress an actor and re-create a movie scene, but he failed. This was important to the era because it increased his approval rate, boosted his popularity, and helped him win the second election. -
Iran/Conta Affair
The United States Government was selling weapons to Iran trading for hostages and funds. This all happened under President Reagan's government. 11 people were arrested during this. This is important because this threatened the presidency of Ronald Reagan. -
Challenger Shuttle Explosion
This explosion was so important because it changed the space shuttle program in many ways. The people who were on it when it exploded were Scobee, Resnik, McNair, Smith, McAuliffe, Onizuka, and Jarvis. This resulted in the joints on the shuttle had to be redesigned. -
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Something went out of control and that led to an explosion and fire destroying things and releasing large amounts of radiation. Due to the radiation releasing out it killed 28 of the site workers. There were no global consequences. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was designed to prevent people from escaping the West side of Berlin. This caused over 80,000 people to die including soldiers. This prevented the West from having further influence on the East. -
George H. W. Bush Elected President
George H. W. Bush was elected on January 20th, 1989. Nine months after he was elected he was afforded the chance to unite the nation after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. George Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act and that had an impact on the U.S. which made people like him as president. -
Start of The Persian Gulf War
Saddam Hussein was the instigator of the start of the Persian Gulf War of the invasion of Iraq's neighbor Kuwait. This was important to this era because it restored America's confidence. Saudia Arabia helped house and assist not only foreign troops but also Kuwaiti civilians. -
Origianal U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team
This was the first Olympic team to feature active professionals from the National Basketball Association. The Dream Team was so important to basketball because this team made the NBA have a huge jump forward. This had a huge impact on the world because it made basketball have more popular and audiences worldwide. -
Launch of Google
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford University when they very first created a search bar algorithm called "BackRub". They had the help of Scott Hassan and Alan Steremburg. Since 2015 Google has been a subsidiary by holding the company together. Google is so important because it has brought people closer together and helped people educate themselves on specific topics. -
Bill Clinton Impeached by The House of Representatives
Bill Clinton was impeached because of a sexual harassment charge. He admitted to having a sexual relationship with a White House intern. This story was so important because it was a political dynamite and that is why it impacted the U.S. -
World Trade Center/Pentagon/ Shanksville Attacks
This was the day 19 terrorists hijacked planes and crashed them into the Twin Towers. Another attack almost happened into the Pentagon but someone on the plane found out and stopped it before it happened. This had a huge impact on the U.S. It showed that a terrorist attack like this can happen at any time. So many people lost their families on that day and it had a huge impact on the world.