
7 Years War

By Sotired
  • George Washington takes fort Duquesne

    He was dispatched to deal with french taking british territory after scraps within the ohio river valley involving the British expanding where they shouldn't have been
  • Albany Plan of union proposed

    kinda a side note but the albany conference was also when the Albany plan of union got proposed, then failed
  • French retake fort Duquesne

    this is the event that technically begins the French and Indian war part of the 7 years war
  • The Albany Conference

    The british meet to organize a united response to colonial aggression from the french, they tried to involve the iriquois, they failed
  • Washington's attack

    washington suprises the french and creates fort necessity
  • Washington's big oof

    washington loses fort necessity
  • War(for real this time)

    war is officially declared
  • Montreal falls

    motreal falls to the british, effectively securing canada for britian and signaling the end of the war
  • Peace of Paris

    this ended the war, made spain cede Florida, the french left the w Mississippi, the ohio river valley was given to the brits, the west of the Mississippi was given to the french
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This british proclamation forbade any colonial expansion into the ohio river valley, this was promptly ignored by the American colonists