Building Forts
Both British and France were racing to build forts. The French built a massive fortress in 1713 it was big and intimidating it was called fortress Louisburg. Fort louisburg is located in nova scotia and controlled all the traded goods on the river. It had a big effect because it could have made Britain feel threaten and changed the way the British attacked. -
The French Threat
From the competition from the fur trade and French building more forts made French a big threat and it could change the course of the war. it had a big effect because if the British feel threatened they might back down and the French could win. The French also started building Forts close to to the British land and in areas that were disputed territory's. -
Fighting In The Ohio River
Tension was rising between the British and the French. The French had a fight in the ohio river valley. They both wanted it because thousands of miles of transport route. it had a big impact because whoever gained control had access to thousands of kilometers of transport routes. Also this river was used to transport a lot of goods to sell. -
Take Fort William Henry
The French attacked fort William Henry in 1757 the attack was led by general Montcalm. After many days of severe fighting the British surrendered to the French who had over 2000 natives from different tribes fighting with them. In the major battle Montcalm's men killed over 1500 of the British men. Apparently less than 200 were killed in the fight which is about ten percent of the British fighting force. It had a big effect on the war because that was one of the French most valuable captures. -
Attack On The Town Of The German Flatts
When the French and the natives killed 50 people took 150 prisoners and 100 people escaped without getting killed or taken prisoner. Later in the war the French gave the British their prisoners back in return for their own.This made the British fear the French and the first nations because of them attacking the German flats. Making the British think ahead and prepare for what might do next. This resulted in the settlement being left in ruins so they had to find or build another settlement. -
River Of Fire
The French load boats with gunpowder and explosives and float them out to try and catch the British boats on fire, The boats miss and the British escape with no harm. This event was a game changer for the British because not only do they gain a lot of confidence but now they basically know they are going to win. -
The Siege Of Quebec
British have come with 9000 ground troops and 15000 sailors. British begin to bombard the city with canon fire for. the french did not back down and held the line for two months. Anyone who didn’t get out of town in time is now trapped inside the city. This was a big deal because now the French don’t have much land and British gain a lot of power. -
The Plains Of Abraham
In the night Wolfe sends troops up the cliffs as a sneak attack in the night on Quebec city. In the morning there are 4000 British on the plain. This was a risk for the British, But Montcalm sends 5000 troops from beaupre. Montcalm made a mistake here because he did not call his other troops in from behind the British. This had a huge effect because this means that the British one Quebec over the fight, And the British should not of one because the French had more troops. -
The Treaty Of Paris
In 1763 the treaty of Paris was signed and Britain obtained from France. Britain gained cape Breton island, Canada including the great lakes basin and east bank of Mississippi river. Britain also obtained Florida. It affected the war because the British got a lot stronger because they got so much land.