7 year war

  • The Battle of Fort Necessity

    The Battle of Fort Necessity
    Removed French power from North America and India. Also the first time president Washington ever surrendered. Washington had been sent to demand France's evacuation and if necessary fight the French. When the French refused to leave, Washington led a sneak attack on the French from his own headquarters at Great Meadows, south of Fort Duquesne.
  • The Black Hole of Calcutta

    The Black Hole of Calcutta
    Roger Drake insulted the emissary sent by Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah who then captured the British garrison of 500 men and threw them in this tiny dungeon.
  • 7 Year war begins

    7 Year war begins
    Frederick the Great of Prussia invaded Saxony The 7 year war was originally a conflict between Great Britain and France
  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle of Plassey
    The Battle of Plassey was won by the British East India Company against Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-daula. The Battle of Plassey was the first major victory for the British in Bengal because in this battle and made the English the masters of Bengal.
  • Fort William Henry gets Captured

    Fort William Henry gets Captured
    General Montcalm leads raids deep into the American colonies, capturing Fort William Henry. This capturing was apart of a chain of British and French forts along the important inland waterway from New York City to Montreal.
  • Treaty of Easton

    Treaty of Easton
    The Treaty of Easton was a colonial agreement in North America signed during the French and Indian War with the British colonials and the chiefs of 13 Native American nations. This treaty allowed for the British successfully neutralized the French-Indigenous alliance in the Ohio Valley
  • The Battle of the Plains of Albraham

    The Battle of the Plains of Albraham
    British defeated the French and captured the city of Quebec. Led to British control in Canada and the migration of Loyalists northwards.
  • British Deaths

    British Deaths
    By this time the British have lost aroud1,000 men to war and 5,000 to disease. Diseases that aided in this were scurvy, smallpox, and yellow fever
  • Battle of Signal Hill

    Battle of Signal Hill
    The last battle in the 7 year war, this battle made Great Britain the prominent European power in North America. The battle caught the French by surprise and resulted in the French retreating.
  • 7 Year war ends

    7 Year war ends
    The Treaty of Paris was signed signaling the end of the war. The British were awarded Canada, Louisiana and Florida which allowed for the removing of European rivals and furthermore opening up North America for Westward expansion.