7 U.S History Wiltaven

  • Alien and Sedition Act (section 2)

    -The Alien Acts: 3 measures that raised the residency requirement for American citizenship from 5 years to 14 years.The Sedition Act: 4th measure that set fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the operation of the government or expressing “false, scandalous and malicious statements” against the government
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    Washington's Presidency (section 1)

    Washington became president
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    French Revolution (section 2)

    The French Revolution (1789-1799)Initially, Americans support
    the French Revolution due to it being inspired by the idea of not being under the rule of a monarch.Inspired by the American struggle.The French set out to create a government based on the will of the people.Eventually, the American people will become divided over the French Revolution.The King and Queen of France are beheaded.Washington issued a declaration of neutrality (April 1793).
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    District of Columbia (section 1)

    Move the capital to Columbia
  • Bank of the U.S. (section 1)

    Funded by the federal government and wealthy.Private investors
    Issued paper money.Handled tax receipts.Handled government funds.Hamilton convinced Washington and a majority of.Congress to accept his ideas and the federal the government established the national bank.Would help get the U.S. out of debt
  • Presidency of John Adams (section 2)

    2nd president
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    The XYZ Affair (section 2)

    Planned to meet with the French foreign minister
    3 lower level officials.Instead of meeting with the foreign minister, the French government sent 3 lower level officials.Adams referred to them as X, Y, and Z in his report to Congress.XYZ demanded a $250,000 bribe as payment for seeing the French foreign minister.
  • Judiciary Act (section 1)

    A Supreme Court with a chief justice and five associate justices
    3 federal circuit courts.13 federal district courts that were placed throughout the country.Section 25 allowed for state court decisions to be appealed to a federal.Court when constitutional issues were raised
  • Presidency of Jefferson (section 3)

  • Louisiana Purchase (section 3)

    The war in Europe ended in
    1802.Napoleon was free to try and revive the French empire in America.Jefferson became alarmed at the possibility of having the French in America and the British in Canada.More northern border patrol.Strengthened U.S. forces in the Mississippi Valley
  • Marbury vs Marshall (section 3)

    William Marbury was given an appointment as a “midnight” judge. Madison, Secretary of State, refused to deliver the official papers to Marbury.Marbury sued in order to enforce the Judiciary Act of 1789.Required the Supreme Court to order that the papers be delivered.Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional due to the Constitution not empowering the Supreme.
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    Louis and Clark expedition (section 3)

    Initially designed as a military
    mission.Intended to help apply military and diplomatic pressure on Napoleon. Became one of the largest scientific expeditions in human history.Jefferson’s goal was to take control of the Louisiana Territory and the mouth of the Mississippi River
  • Presidency of James Madison (section 4)

  • War of 1821 (section 4)

    We attack Canada.The only place where the U.S. could directly attack the British.It was believed that only 5,000
    British troops were stationed here.
    Canadian militia was outnumbered 9 to 1 by the American
    militia.Madison believed that if the U.S. was able to take control of Canada then the British would be cut off from a vast majority of their supplies and natural resources.
  • Burning of York (section 4)

    3 offensives were all failures
    Most Canadians fought against the U.S.
    Relying on state militias was a bad decision
    Poorly trained and equipped
    No discipline
    Poor fighting skills
    U.S. generals could not compare to the British

  • Burning of the White House

    British soldiers occupy Washington D.C.They burn the town and the White House in retaliation for the American raid on Toronto
  • The Battle Of New Orleans (section 4)

    Jackson takes the city of Pensacola.In Spanish held Florida. Takes control in order to deny them.British the ability to use it as a supply depot.The British attack head-on into Jackson’s.Men and are easily defeated. More than 2,000 British are killed and wounded.The U.S. suffers 71 killed or wounded