7 Events Leading to the Growth of US

  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    After Russia assumed control of the territory it quickly grew to be a burden on them. Seward was eager to purchase the territory from the Russians and he acquired the land for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Pan-American Conference

    It was a gathering of leaders from nations in the western hemisphere in which greater cooperation was achieved and long-lasting relationships were created that are still maintained to this day. This allowed the US to focus its efforts elsewhere and away from the southern nations.
  • The Influence of Sea Power on History

    The Influence of Sea Power on History
    IT was a book written describing how crucial a strong navy was to secure foreign markets and lands. This book was used to persuade Congress to pay for the construction of new stronger steel ships. Better allowing the US to make an impact across oceans.
  • Venezuela and Guiana dispute

    Venezuela and Guiana dispute
    Venezuela and it's British ruled neighbor Guiana had a land dispute. The US stepped in and said that this was in the liens of then Monroe Doctrine and Britain needed to back off. This shows that the British did not want bad blood with the US because of their rising power.
  • Sinking of The Maine

    Sinking of The Maine
    The US ship Maine was anchored in Havan when it exploded killing 260 Americans. It was thought to be the Spanish who blew up the ship and this was the final straw leading to war between the two countries.
  • Open Door Policy

    Hay created the open door policy to undermine the spheres fo influence that had been created in china so The US would not lose its e4conomic interest in the area. This took aw3ay some of the power other countries had recently acquired in China and made it an even playing field.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The creation of the Panama Canal showed the dedication the US had with foreign expansion. The US supported the Panama rebellion and after the fighting was won they began on constructing the instrumental canal.