My Aunt Was Pregnant In High School
While she was in high school, my aunt got pregnant with my cousin. She eventually dropped out and got a job in order to pay for the baby. The book says, "Teen parents tend to leave school or not attend college, which limits their potential contributions to society and prospects for career advancement" (12). -
She Was Already Hooked On Alcohol
Since the drinking age back then was 18; my aunt turned to alcohol to help her through the process. This caused many things to happen to my cousin when he was born. The book says, "Drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, including symptoms like low birth weight, medical problems, and behavior abnormalities" (11). -
She Bounced Back
After her miscarriage, she decided to go back to school. She received a lot of federal help to get her back on her feet and she went to school to become a nurse. The book does say, "These parents also usually need help from the local, state or federal
government agencies in the form of food stamps or housing assistance" (12).