6th hour, Allison Underwood- Timeline for Honduras

  • 1502

    Spanish begins to overrun the Mayans

    Spanish begins to overrun the Mayans
    Gil González Dávila, followed by Hernán Cortes, takes land.
  • Gained Independence

    Gained Independence
    Honduras gained its independence from Spain.
  • A Constituent Assembly was formed

    A Constituent Assembly was formed
    Before this, the Honduran government was a civilian rule. This was put together in order to form a new constitution.
  • The U.S. sets up in Honduras

    The U.S. sets up in Honduras
    With the on going conflicts, between El Salvador and Nicaragua, the U.S. supports El Salvador by setting up camp in Honduras.
  • The Football War

    The Football War
    A war between Honduras and El Salvador about the boarders. This was settles by a three-round football game.
  • Hurricane Mitch

    Hurricane Mitch
    The storm destroyed close to three billion dollars.
  • CAFTA is put into place

    CAFTA is put into place
    Honduras signs the trade agreement with the U.S.
  • The U.S helps with the cartels

    The U.S helps with the cartels
    Honduran president and the president of the United States meet to tackle the latter's growing drug cartel .
  • Honduras joins the ALBA

    Honduras joins the ALBA
    Even though they later left, Honduras joined the group of countries under Zelaya.
  • President Manuel Zelaya was overthrown

    President Manuel Zelaya was overthrown
    The president fled to Costa Rica in a military aircraft.