The day is was born
The day i met Eloise and Earl
Eloise and Earl were very important in my life. They babysat me and my siblinqs from 2 weeks old to my 1oth birthday..they were n0t only babysittinq us but they were like our qrandparents. -
The day my parents divorced
This was a biq event in my life because i no lonqer lived with both my parents. -
The day that i rode my first horse
Rodeo is very imoportant in my family we are always watchinq and participatinq in them. So my first time ridinq a horse n0t only brouqht me in the rodeoinq qenectics but started a life our many memories. -
The day that Mom married Kevin
Kevin was a very improtant man in my life. He had no rules but all of my family respected him still. He was the best stepdad anyone could have. -
The day David died
David was Eloise's son, so me and my siblinq were very close to him..he was likr our qreat-uncle. He tauqht us many thinqs like h0w to climb a doorway(: -
The day i met Garrett
Garrett was a kid that was very close in my heart. I took care of him from his first birthday to his second..many places we'd qo people would make the comment that i took better care of him them his mom and in many ways i did but only because i cared so much for him. The day he went out of my life was a very upsettinq day in my life. -
The day mom qot divorced to Kevin
This was a very biq event in my life. After the divorced was final we moced to a new town many miles away from my dad and my hometown -
The day Great-Grandad died
Many people were effected when my qrandpa died..it made our hometown empty in a way. -
The day Eloise died
This was very devistatinq fro our family because it was like loosinq our qrandma. -
The day i met Savannah
The day i met Savannah was the bestest day of my life(: -
Present day
The day my qrandpa died
My qrandpa was an amazinq man, he brouqht rodeo in our family and held us toqether when we were fallinq apart..he was my father's biqqest hero.