inventions of the 1800's to the present

  • computer

    the inventor of the first computer was charles babbage.
    i would think he made the computer so peple would be able to commmunicate from where ever they are. its changed the way our technology works today because now there is so many things to do on computers.
  • telegraph key

    telegraph key
    made by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail

    it changed the way we communicate the written word it makes it a faster way
  • the "box" telephone

    the "box" telephone
    made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1976
    this changed the wzy of communication today because its a way to communicate with someone without actually being sitting next to them
  • Period: to

    inventions of the 18th century to present

  • phonograph

    this invention was invented by thomas edison. it was used to play recorded sounds. i would say that people used this to commmunicate. how they would communicate is for instance if someone in ur house was blind and couldnt read you could record what you they needed to do or something like that.
  • first television signal

    the inventor of the first television signal was John Logie Baird.the invention of the television was made for communication so people can watch television to communicate. i no that may sound weird but you can communicate because the commercials arer tellingyou that they want you to buy something
  • cellular device

    the invention of the cell phone was invented by martincooper.
    i would say he made the cell phone so many people could communicate where ever they are. cell phones have changed how we live today because, now in eveyrday life peple normally have cell phones and they use them alot but sometimes people use them in the wrong kind of way. like some kids now days use them for texting.