My Life

  • When i was born

    When i was born i weight 6lbs and 16 onces
  • My brothers and sisters

    im the youngest of 6 . i have 3 brothers and 2 sisters there names are Josh,Crystal,Shane ,Bryin,Kasey.
  • i had my frist b day

    i had a good one cause i put cake in my sisters face
  • i got to meet my great mamwa

    they live all the way in florida tht was a really fun ride
  • my first vac to tennessee

    it was the best vac i have evr had even though i was little
  • my B day

    this was the funnyest b day evr cause i hit my brother wit my new bike
  • started pre-k

    had the best teachers evr
  • the first time i met my cuzin

    she was just i new born
  • the second vac

    this was my first time goin to tennessee without my mom and dad i went wit my moms friend
  • my B day

    this was a good one cause i got a new dog her name was pebbles
  • i lost the most important thing to me

    this is the sadest year of my life i had to put my dog pebbles down
  • my third vac

    we went to florida to sea world
  • my B day

    the best one evr
  • my sister B day

    my sister maddys B day party was the best
  • the 3 day of 8th grade year

    so far best year