My Birthdate
I was born in Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. I weighed 8 pounds and 7 oz. i was the first Child my mom had. My Memaw, my Aunt Grani and My dad were in the room when i was born. -
I dislocated my shoulder
We were on the playground and i got pushed off a slide and i tried to hold on so i wouldnt fall off and i dislocated my entire shoulder. i had to wear a sling for a long time after that. -
My Mother and Stepdad Got Married
They got married on valentines day. i was the flower girl. My dad wore a leather tux. -
My sister was born
she was the second child mom had. but she was my stepdad's child. we have diferent dad's. i helped choose her middle name. her name ended up being Emma alison Christina. -
I had an Eardrum repair
I had a huge hole in my eardrum so they had to put a sponge type material in my left ear to fill the hole. they cut my ear in the back from top to bottom and almost layed it on my cheeck so that they could fix my eardrum. i had a huge scar and it bled alot. -
My Brother Was born
He was also my stepdads kis. His name is Ian Lucas but we decided to call hime luke. -
My stepdad died
He was a welder. and he went away on a job in florida and passed away in his hotel. -
I dislocated My knee cap
I was on a dance trip with angies dance academy. i was dancing. and i fell. they called the ambulance. ben johnsons mom took me home and then we went to urgent care and they gave me crutches. i couldnt dance or cheer for a really long time. -
world Changers trip!
We went to roanoke Virginia and it was my 1st year going. I went with my church Riverside Baptist. -
I started Middle school
I stared my first year at cms as a sixth grader. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Pucket and Mr. B