
Ashley's Timeline

By bestam
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born at Haywood Regional Medical Center and my mom and Dad were there and i was born around 6:00p.m and i was the first child.
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
    My brother was born in Asheville and he was the second child and he was born at night time and when my mother went to the hospital i was at home with my grand parents.
  • The Day i started Kindergarden

    The Day i started Kindergarden
    This is the day that i startred kindergarden and I went to Clyde Elemantary School.
  • The day that I got Confirmened in to my church

    The day that I got Confirmened in to my church was a special time because all of my family was there.
  • The day that I went to Disney World

    The day that I went to Disney World
    On the way to Disney World are car broke down so we had to call my uncle to bring my dad's truck. When we finally got to Disney it was so much fun.
  • Tragedy

    My dad went Evergreen to work over and he was working on the machine and the rollers came down and pulled his pinkey, ring and middle finger off and then they rushed him to mission.
  • I Broke my arm

    I broke my arm because i was chasing my brother and i went to go in the house and i toke a nap and then when i woke up my arm started to swell so then i went to urgent care and they told me that i broke the ulna and the radius.
  • Took the SAT's

    This is the days that i took that SAT's and started to snow. I took the test with High School students. I made an 1180.
  • Wake Forest

    Wake Forest
    I went to Wake Forest to accept an award for taking the SAT's and the campus is so pretty.
  • 8th Grade

    8th Grade
    This was my first day of the 8th grade and i have MRs.Early as a homeroom teacher