The Things Im My Life That Have Impacted Me

  • The big Day

    This is the day i was born. Im not sure if Ellie was happy about me coming home but i think she just likes being the boss of me
  • My Dad

    My father died and that really inpacted my life because then I had to school in Baltic and go to daycare with my grandma
  • My Golden Birthday

    This is the date of my golden birthday. Now this was bad because it was when I was five and i heard that it great because you get more money than your other birthdays
  • First Day of School

    The first day of school. For some, the day that means no more summer and back to boring school. And to others, it means no more boring summer and back to the books. For me it was the first day so I didnt now what to ecspect.
  • My First Bike

    My first bike was a present from my grandma. She saw that everyone else had bikes and so she got me a bike for my birthday,

    this is the 4th of july that I discovered fireworks. Fireworks are the best thing known to man.
  • First Communion

    My first communion is when I was old enough to get communion
  • The Big 10

    My Tenth Birthday. One my tenth birthday i really wanted a bike so my mom gave me a 100 dollar bill so i could by it.
  • Period: to

    The Fair

    This week at the fair I started learning about cows and some livestock. I think i mosty started learning about then because Kyler Johnson started to show cattle so I kinda took an intrest.
  • Ankle

    I was playing football and i rolled my ankle. Now I have really weak ankles
  • First Gun

    My first gun was a shotgun that I still have. It was a very good gun
  • Gizzmo

    We got our dog Gizzmo the day after my birthday. She is very smart and she knows a ton of tricks.
  • Golf

    I started golf in 7th grade and i love it. I like to play whenever i can and I got a jobe at a driving range. It will be a game I will carry for the rest of my life.
  • My Car

    My Car
    My mom got my sister a car but she doesn't take care of it so now its mine
  • Drivers Licence

    Drivers Licence
    I got my drivers licence when I was 14. I love Driving everywhere because I like to go fast.
  • New Room

    I moved my room down stairs and my old room is now the computer room
  • I Win Golf

    It was a horrible day for golf but we played anyway. I thought i didn't do so good, but when they were handing out ribbons I got first place.
  • Graduation

    This was the last day of my middle school years. It was fun being at the top of the totum pole. Now im at the bottom
  • Grandma

    This is probably the worst day of my life. i was so amazingly close with my grandma she taught me everything, And this really changed my life.
  • Freshmen

    When I started high school i learnd that i have more responsiblity than middle school.