My Life

By lisaah
  • I was born today.

    Today is the day that I was welcomed into this world.
  • My Birthday.

    My Birthday.
    Today is my very first birthday.
  • I started kindee.

    My first day at kindee and I felt really sadd
  • I lost my first tooth.

    I lost my very first tooth.
  • My little sister was born.

    This is the day that my new little sister was born.
  • The first time I met Keisha and Stevie

    This is the only day I found my best friend ever.
  • The first day I came into room 15

    It was like really wierd because we jad finished school and we are starting up again.
  • Was the day we had our first inter-class netball game at school.

    This is our victory day. We won our very first inter-class netball game.
  • The first time I said "mum and dad".

    The first time I spoke the words "mum and dad".