US History 1

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    was the trade of plants such as corn and sugar, animals such as cattle,pigs,sheep,horses and human slaves,Disease (microbes) like small pox, influneza, measles, syphalis and ideas and culter back ti Europe.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Columbus sets voyage with his three ships the Nina,Pinta and Santa Maria in search of a faster route to the Indies (Asia)
  • Jamestown Founded

    When a group of 104 men that were sponsered by the London Compony struck land in the James River, Virginia we begun the first english colony, dispite the great loses the first year.
  • The starving time

    in Jamestown of the winter of 1609-1610 the local indians killed off livestock in the woods and kept colonist baricaded. canabalism occurred. Imagrants later found 60 emacited people still alive,
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    On a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, the colonists,who were seeking freedom from Great Britian wrote the Mayflower Compact on the Mayflower establishing their own government away from Britian.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon led a rebellion of "back country farmers" who didnt like what Govern Berkley was doing with the indians land.Bacon dies of dysentary
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem witch trials came to be because a group of little girls decided to make up stories about seeing some old widows doing magic, when everyone believed them they were sent to trial and some where even killed
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebellion started when about 20 black slaves got together near the Stono River, South Carolina and started an up rising, taking over a store and killing a few people, this largely grew into the largest uprising of its time.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    religous toleration flourished in America more than Europe. however, persistant anti catholicism & semetism. the Great awakening was the idea that anyone has potential to break away from their current situation and start over new with god. apeal to women and second sons.
  • French and Indian War

    This war begun because France and Britain had been fighting in Europe but then moved to North America because british colonist wanted to take over french land. the war finally ended in 1763
  • Proclamtion of 1763

    this was the end of the 7years war and proclaimed that no settlers move west of the imaginary line divided down the Appalachian mountains because that land belonged to the indians
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. Ship's papers, licenses, newspapers, legal documents,other publications, and even playing cards were taxed. The money collected by the Stamp Act was to be used to help pay the costs of defending and protecting the American frontier
  • The Boston Maccacre

    The Boston Maccacre
    No one really knows who started this fight because both sides blame each other. the story goes, someone threw a snowball at a solider which knocked him off balance causing his gun to fire, this startling the other soliders they all began to fire, killing a few people. these soldiers were later tried and "prosicuted" for firing without orders
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    the "sons of liberty" snuck onto three ships, dressed as inidians and dumped about 50 tons of tea into the harbor
  • Lexington and Concord

    The first shots of the revolutionary war are fired,this battle was led by general Thomas Gage, he sent 700 soldiers to Concord to destroy guns and ammunition that the colinists had hidden
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, the Declaration of Independence is the nation's most cherished symbol of liberty,Jefferson expressed the convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people. The political philosophy of the Declaration was not new, ideas of individual liberty had already been expressed by John Locke and the Continental philosophers. All Jefferson did was to summarize this philosophy in "self-evident truths" and set forth a list of grievances against the King.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Daniel Shay was a farmer from Mass. who formed a rebellion with other farm to get relief from taxes,debt and inprisionment for debt.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    congress aprroved 12 ammendments,10 were ratified by the states in 1791, 9 of the right placed limitations on the new government so it couldn't infringe on fundamental rights (including freedom of religion, speech, press amd trial by jury
  • first bank of U.S

    first bank of U.S
    the first bank of the US came together by the hand of alexendar hamilton, he decided the bank was needed because everyone was in so much debt from the revolutionary war and everyone had different money so the bank would be able to handle this problem
  • the whiskey rebellion

    the whiskey rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion was a tax put on whiskey to again help pay for war debt, a group of farmers refused to pay this tax and terrorized tax collectors, untill washington sent out troops to break apart this rebellion, it quickly fell apart
  • Marbury Vs. Madison

    Marbury Vs. Madison
    this was one of the most important judican decisions in the hisotry of the nation. the suprme court had the authority to nulify acts of congress. Adams had comissioned for Marbury before he left office, when Jefferson took over his secretary of state Madison refused to hand over commision because Adams was not longer president. Madison won
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    The US paid 80m francs to the french government and was also to grant exclusive commercial privileges to France in the port of New Orleans.
  • War of 1812

    this was a war faught between Great Britian and the US.The war lasted for over two years. the US failed to capture Canada but the americans succesfully stopped the bristish when they tried to capture New Orleans and Baltimore.
  • Trial of Tears

    Trial of Tears
    Forced into Indian territory (now Oklahoma) in winter.Indians were either killed or sent westward.this did not need to happen.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    American forces lead by General Jackson, decisively defeat the British forces trying to capture New Orleans. The battle, which takes place after the Treaty of Ghent has been signed, is the most decisive American victory of the war.
  • Era of Good Feeling

    There was a rising spirit of nationalism after war of 1812, Monroe had won the presidency, and John Quincy Adams was secretary of state. Monroe makes a good-will tour throughout the country which gets him reelected. This era was misnamed, the era of good feeling.
  • The Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal
    construction of the Erie Canal began in Rome, New York. The first segment of the canal would proceed east from Rome to the Hudson River.1825 the entire canal was completed
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    this was primarily the work of John Quincy Adams. it stated "the americans continents are not to be considered as subjects for furture colonization by any European power...Our policy in regards to Europe is not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers." Basically, stay out of our business and we'll stay out of yours.
  • Calhoun's theory of Nullification

    Calhoun's theory of Nullification
    the people of South Carolina were ready to seceed from the US due to the belief that the tariffs of 1816 was responsible for the stagnation of the states economy. Calhoun developed the theory that since the federal government was a creation of the states, the states had the final say in the constitutionality of the fed. laws. if concluded unconstitional, could be declared null and void within the state.
  • Telegraph

    this was a symbol of progress and innovation because before the telegraph communication relied on mail which travled by horse or train which often took long. Morse code used pulses of electricity to communicate alternating long and short beeps to represent letters. the first telegraph was by the Western Union Telegraphy Company. this benifited railways and newpapers greatly.