Born at Sinai Grace in Detroit, 7lbs 14oz
Weight at birth was 7lbs 14oz. 20 inches long. -
One day old-Birth-Biosocial-Ability to hold up head at birth.
3 months-Psychosocial-First years-First bond created with babysitter June.
6 months old-First 2 years-Psychosocial-Parents got divorced, mom got custody of us.
First 2 years-Biosocial-Took first steps at 9 1/2 months old.
10 months-first 2 years-Cognitive-Spoke first words, "No, Mama"
Moved with dad on Appleton St in Detroit
2 yrs old-Psychosocial-Met Tasha from down the street. Were neighborhood friends for a couple years.
Period: to
Back and fourth custody of us to parents, more times than I can count
3 years old-Cognitive/Psychosocial-play years-First day of preschool in Redford, MI
4 yrs old-play years-Biosocial-Sister smashed my face into fireplace, killing nerves in front teeth.
Thus, the start of many problems with teeth. Suprisingly, i had a deformity with that tooth anyways, being 2 teeth in one. I had to have a root canal and they had to remove the second tooth surgically. -
"buck tooth baby" nickname received, stuck for 10 yrs.
4 yrs old-play years-Psychosocial-Met my first real best friends, Jamie and Lucy from around the block
First day of Kindergarden in Redford, MI
6 yrs old-play years-Cognitive-Placed in "Reading Readiness" after kindergarden for developmental reading delays
Family still believes I was wrongfully held back. -
11 yrs old-Adolescent-Cognitive-Was placed in HS level classes for math and science in middleschool
12 yrs old-Adolescent-Psychosocial-Middleschool mentor Mrs. Reagan, still keep in touch with her.
Period: to
13 yrs-Adolescent-Biosocial-Had braces put on by U of D Mercy Ortho. students
15 years old-Cognitive-Adolescent-Was placed in AP classes in high school
16 years-Psychosocial-Adolescent-Met best friend in High School, Savannah
17 years-Psychosocial-Adolescent-Dropped out of school to be with boyfriend, MISTAKE
Had first child, Emma Marie
20 years-Psychosocial-Adulthood-Met Kevin, my future husband.
Bought first house
21 years-Psychosocial-Adulthood-Married Kevin Venerus, my soul mate
Had second child, Madeline Marie
Period: to
25 years to present-Biosocial-Adulthood-Depression/anxiety problems from loss of loved ones.
25 years-Psychosocial-Adulthood-Lost father, my best friend and biggest role model to heart disease/heart attack at 50
25 years-Cognitive-Adulthood-Started college for the first time
Period: to
Completed pre-requisites for EMU program at Schoolcraft College
25 years-Biosocial/Cognitive-Adulthood-Had to decide to give up my son at 20 weeks gestation.
He had Dandy Walker Syndrome. Chances of living to birth were 15%, and would never have motor skills. Was missing almost entire cerebellum. Doctors said some genetic factors may apply. -
Applied and was accepted to EMU for Masters of Occupational Therapy program
30 years old-Cognitive-Adulthood-Graduated from EMU with Masters Degree in OT
30 years-Cognitive-Adulthood-Decided to move to Florida with family for career.
Got first real job in my career field
Emma gets married
Madeline gets married
Period: to
Get to enjoy my children and grandchildren
First grandchild born
56 years-Retired early, moved to Costa Rica
56 years-Psychosocial/Cognitive-Started non profit for under privledged children in Costa Rica
I have always had a bond to children. I cannot stand to watch them suffer. -
64 years-Biosocial-Adulthood-Having some difficulty with depression and anxiety over getting old and dying.
83 years-Biosocial-End years-Lost some short term memory capabilities due to age and heredity.
85 years-Died in Costa Rica