Prenatal and Birth
Cognitive: development of brain
Biosocial: born at Providence Hospital in Southfield,MI. Time: 11:07 am and weight 7lbs 11 oz, natural birth, breastfed for 2 weeks until Mother had to get her gallbladder removed
Psychosocial: attachment to parents, relationship with older sister Amanda (19 months apart) -
First Two Years
Biosocial: slept through the night for the first time, able to crawl and stand up by myself at 12 months, able to walk by myself at 17 months
Cognitive: started babbling at 7 months, loved to play peek-a-boo at 9 months, able to say "ma-ma" before "da-da" at 10 months, able to know who sister was, plays pat-a-cake at 12 months
Psychosocial: cried from seperation anxiety if put in the nursery at church at 10 months, parents used proximal parenting, secure infant attachment -
Aunt Karen dies
Aunt Karen died when I was in first grade, the first funeral that I attended. Cousin David moved into the house with Nanny and she was given custody over him. -
Play Years
Biosocial: able to climb out of crib at age 2, can copy different shapes at age 3, can climb trees in front yard at age 5, broke my right leg at age 4 and had to wear a cast all the way up my leg
Cognitive: at age 2 able to understand sister, had to go to speech class from first grade on unable to say R's, very good at reading and writing at age 5
Psychosocial: parents used authoritarian and authoritative parents as growing up, met my first best friend Amy at age 5, new brother Jacob at age 4 -
School Years
Biosocial: Mom enrolled Amanda and I in ice skating lessons at age 7, began playing soccer at age 8, started puberty at age 10 missed class swimming day
Cognitive: played piano age 7 and 8, still had trouble pronouncing my R's until age 9, did well on MEAP scores in writing and science age 7 and 8
Psychosocial: had first boyfriend Quentin at age 10 hung out at recess, became best friends with Jessica and Courtney at age 8, started to get more interested in boys at age 10 and up -
Biosocial: got braces on at age 11, Cognitive: got student of the month at age 12 and all AB honor roll, moved from Redford to Livonia at age 14, attended Churchill High School at age 14 and placed in challenging classes, got accepted into U of D at age 17, graduate high school at age 18, start college at 18!
Psychosocial: had first real boyfriend Justin at age 12 until 13, had to try and meet new friends at age 14, dated Aaron on and off at age 15 until 18, found friends in college at 18 -
Grandma died
Nanny is what we called her and she died shortly after my graduation party and I got a tattoo on my back of two angel wings in memory of her -
Emerging Adulthood
Biosocial: learn more about myself at age 18 and 19, accept myself and others for who they are at age 19, learn to cope with stress at age 19
Cognitive: at age 19 do well first year of college end up with a 3.5, graduate from college at age 22, apply to Anesthesia School at age 23, finish with my Master's at age 25
Psychosocial: make many new friends throughout college age 22, start dating Rob and fall in love at age 19, get a promise ring at age 20, start job as a nurse in the SCU at age 22 -
Twins First Birthday
Celebration of twins birthday! Grandma Nancy and Olga, Grandpa Ron and Bob, Aunt Amanda and Lisa and Uncle Jacob and Jeff all come over to celebrate as well as a few close family friends. -
Robert William Third's First Birthday
Celebrate the first birthday of Rob and I's third child. -
Twins Graduation and Birthday
The Twins graduate from high school with very high GPA's and get great scholarships to the schools they want to go. They decide to go to two different schools for the first time all their life. They also celebrate their 18th birthday and we go out to a big dinner at Maggiano's, -
Move parents to Nursing home
Parents decided to move into a Nursing home together to make it easier for us kids to take care of them. -
Dad dies
My father passes away from a sudden heart attack after being rushed to the ER. Goes to Heaven to be with the Lord. -
Mom dies
My mom dies of natural causes in her sleep in very good health, no pain. Goes to Heaven to be with the Lord. -
Biosocial: get engaged at 25, get married at age 26, have set of twins at age 27, have another child at age 28 and have last child at age 30
Cognitive: start my job as a nurse anesthetist at age 27, at age 45 still working as a CRNA, retire at the age of 55
Psychosocial: move into a loft at age 26, buy first house at 28, still in love and crazy about husband, renew vows at age 56, become a grandmother at the age of 57 -
Late Adulthood
Biosocial: at age 66 move into an apartment close to grandchildren, at age 70 get really sick and at hospital for a week, at age 76 celebrate 50 years of marriage
Cognitive: at age 72 have large vocabulary and enjoy playing Scrabble with family, at age 80 memory loss starts to occur
Psychosocial: at age 74 help grandchildren pay for college, at age 78 loses love of life, at age 79 tell grandchildren about when I was young and crazy and found true love with Grandpa Rob and grieves loss of him -
At age 82 dies in sleep, buried next to spouse