Born in Boston, Massachusetts
Sell Products in Street
His brother, James, was a printer. After Benjamin helped him compse pamphlets, he would go and sell their products in the street. -
Benjamin Franklin is Silence Dogood
His borther, James, opened his own paper in England. Ben wanted to write for the paper, so in order to do so, he had to write under a fake name so his brother would take them. He would write and slide the paper under the door. Everyone loved what he wrote and wanted to know just who Silence Dogood was. -
Ben Ran Away
After taking beating from his brother for the attention he got for the paper, he finally decided he could not take it any longer and he ran away. -
The Day Ben Met His Future Wife, Deborah
Ben Fathered a Child, William
Ben Bought His Own Paper, Pennsylvania Gazette
Ben Married His Childhood Sweetheart, Deborah Reed
Ben Formed Groups for Environmental Clean Up
Ben organized Philadelphia's Union Fire Company
Ben Invented the Heat Efficient Stove
It was called the Franklin Stove and was used to heat houses efficiently. -
Ben Invented Electricity
Ben Formed a Group that Put Together the Pennsylvania Hospital
Ben Helped to Found the Philadelphia Contribution for Insurance Against Loss by Fire
Ben Signed the Declaration of Independance
Ben Signed the Treaty of Paris
Ben Wrote an Anti-Slavery Treatise
Ben died at the age of 84