

By willev
  • first radio

    first radio
    This is the first radio ever invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895
  • valve radio

    valve radio
    the is is a valve radio which looks quite old.
  • a smallish valve radio

    a smallish valve radio
    this is a step towards making radios smaller. and has an art deco influenced cabinet.
  • portible transistor radio

    portible transistor radio
    small battery powered radios became available to everyone for listening to cricket or the top 20 pop hits.
  • transistor car radio.

    transistor car radio.
    this is an old transistor car radio with push buttons.
  • Another valve radio

    this is another valve radio.
  • short wave radio (SW)

    short wave radio (SW)
    this is a short wave radio that you could listen to police and agents on.The agents would know what band to tune in and at precisely what time a message would be transmitted.
  • smallish sterio FM radio with CD player.

    smallish sterio FM radio with CD player.
    this is a smallish sterio FM radio with a CD player.
  • car radio with CD player.

    car radio with CD player.
    this is a quite modern car radio with a CD player which aparently is a big step forward from a tape player one.
  • radio with i pod dock.

    radio with i pod dock.
    this is a radio with an i pod dock.