Bible Timeline

  • 4026 BCE

    Adams Creation

  • 3896 BCE

    Able Dies

  • 3403 BCE

    Birth of Righteous Enoch

  • 3096 BCE

    Adam Dies

  • 2970 BCE

    Noah Is Born

  • 2420 BCE

    Noah Beings Building the Ark

  • 2370 BCE

    Flood During Noah's Life

  • 1843 BCE

    Abraham Dies

  • 1613 BCE

    Job's Trial

  • 1593 BCE

    Moses Born

  • 1513 BCE

    Moses led Israelites out of Egypt

  • 1473 BCE

    Israel Enters Promised Land Under Joshua

  • 1117 BCE

    Saul Anointed As King

  • 1077 BCE

    Middle of King David's Life

  • 1027 BCE

    Temple in Jerusalem Is Built by King Solomon

  • Period: 617 BCE to 537 BCE

    Daniel in Babylon

  • 607 BCE

    Destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon

  • 539 BCE

    Destruction of Babylon by Medo-Persia

  • 536 BCE

    Bible Book of Daniel Completed

  • 334 BCE

    Greek Conquers Medo-Persion Empire

  • 146 BCE

    Rome Conquers Greece

  • 2 BCE

    Jesus Born

  • 29

    Jesus Baptized

  • 33

    Jesus Killed & Then Resurrected

  • 70

    Jerusalem & Temple destroyed by Romans

  • 100

    Last Apostle (John) Dies

  • Jesus Made King In Heaven & Satan Cast Out