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UDP's prep-course timeline

  • Forum for introductions opens.

    Forum for introductions opens.
    UDP's talkgroup for English TeachersEveryone must visit the UDP's talkgroup for teachers to introduce themselves.
  • Period: to


    In the first days of the course we will all introduce ourselves.
    We will also introduce:
    - our virtual classroom,
    - the objectives of this course,
    - and how we will work (individually and in groups) to achieve those objectives.
  • Forums to make suggestions for research open.

    Forums to make suggestions for research open.
    UDP's talkgroup for English TeachersPlease visit the forums in the UDP's talkgroup for teachers, to contribute to the general discussion.
  • Period: to

    PRE-TASK: planning your research

    At this stage of the course, everyone must participate in the forums to make suggestions to every group on what they should research about for assigned topic.
    Then, every group must build and/or organize a list of questions to guide the research of their assigned topic. The tutor will give every group some ideas on where to start their search.
  • Last day to turn-in research guidelines for revision

    Last day to turn-in research guidelines for revision
    Every group will need to to turn in the list of questions/ ideas they build to guide their research. The tutor will check them and perhaps make some new suggestions.
  • Period: to

    TASK & PLAN: research your topic & prepare your presentation

    In groups, you will research your assigned topic using the guiding questions in your list. You may start with the links suggested by your tutor, but should also look elsewhere. Then, you will prepare a power point to share the information with everyone. Your tutor will be available to help you (whether you need technical assistance on tips on how to search and/or present your findings)
  • Last day to turn-in power point presentations.

    Last day to turn-in power point presentations.
  • Period: to

    TASK REPORT: share your findings

    Groups will turn in their power point presentations to the tutor, and will present their findings to the rest of the class by videoconference. Everyone must participate by asking questions and or giving feedback to other groups.
    Your tutor will be available to help you with any technical problems related to this activity. Afterwards, there will be a (text) forum for each topic in our virtual classroom, where presentations will be uploaded in orther make further comments and/or questions.
  • Videoconference to present research results.

    Videoconference to present research results.
    Every group will present their findings to the rest of the class.
  • Text forums for feedback open.

  • Forums for Focus on Language open

    Forums for Focus on Language open
    At this stage, a forum will open for the tutor and participants to suggest language topics to review, discuss and practice. Then, a forum will be open for each of the language topics selected.
  • Period: to

    POST-TASK: Focus on Language

    At this stage, we will focus on discussing and practicing language functions and features that you think you will help you feel more comfortable when carrying-on basic transactions in Dayton (asking for directions, making travel arrangements, etc.) Your tutor will suggest some topics, but you are encouraged to propose your own. You are also strongly encouraged to help your peers practice the selected language functions.
  • Period: to


    Final days to ask questions, say goodbye and turn-in final versions of the power point presentations (which will be distributed to everyone).