60s Timeline

By andrewk
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee is formed.
  • First televised presidential debate

    First televised presidential debate
    Between JFK and Richard Nixon, being able to see the presidents made a huge difference.
  • first airing of the flinestones

    first airing of the flinestones
    first episode of hit tv show that is still popular today
  • JFK is elected

    JFK is elected
    John F Kennedy becomes the youngest president in American history. He was very loved by citizens.
  • Maris Breaks the Babe's Record

    Maris Breaks the Babe's Record
    Roger Maris hit 61 home runs in a season to break Babe Ruth's record of 60.
  • russians send first man to space

    russians send first man to space
    Yury A. Gagarin was sent to space by the Russians, the first man in space.
  • berlin wall is constructed

    berlin wall is constructed
    A wall is built in Germany to separated east and west Berlin. No civilians could cross over due to maximum security.
  • SDS releases its Port Huron statement

    SDS releases its Port Huron statement
    It stated that the civil rights and peace movements were too weak.
  • Marilyn Monroe Dies

    Marilyn Monroe Dies
    She tragically passed away from an overdose. She was a very well-known model.
  • james meredith registers at ole miss

    james meredith registers at ole miss
    James Meredith becomes the first african american student at the university of mississippi.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    This was a confrontation that made the US fear. Soviet Russia had stored a lot of missiles in Cuba, which is just south of the US.
  • first James Bond movie appears

    first James Bond movie appears
    It was titled "Dr. No."
  • MLK "I have a dream" speech

    MLK "I have a dream" speech
    MLK delivered an inspiring speech to over 400k people at the washington monument in DC.
  • JFK is assassinated

    JFK is assassinated
    JFK is assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. This shocked the country and forever changed presidential security in public.
  • beatles arrive in the US

    beatles arrive in the US
    A boy band came to the US to pursue their dreams. They became huge and are still well known and loved in present day.
  • the beatles appear on ed sullivan

    the beatles appear on ed sullivan
    It was also their first appearance in front of an American audience.
  • NY world fair begins

    NY world fair begins
    A large fair of many restaurants represented by over 80 nations.
  • Johnson defeats Goldwater

    Johnson defeats Goldwater
    Johnson wins election by 61% of the popular vote
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    famous civil rights activist killed in ballroom in 1965.
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    watts race riots

    Riots because of the arrest of an african american drunk driver.
  • "Star Trek" TV Show Airs

    "Star Trek" TV Show Airs
    Popular show has its first airing, becomes very popular.
  • thurgood marshall nominated to supreme court

    thurgood marshall nominated to supreme court
    Voted in to replace Justice Tom Clark. He was nominated by president Johnson
  • San Fran Summer of Love Begins

    San Fran Summer of Love Begins
    30k people gathered at the Golden Gate Park. They took part in counterculture to try to "expand consciousness" and peace.
  • First NFL Super Bowl

    First NFL Super Bowl
    The first of 56 and counting super bowls. The Kansas City Chiefs were defeated by the Green Bay Packers 35-10.
  • Ali refuses military service

    Ali refuses military service
    arguably the greatest boxer of all time refuses to serve in the military due to his religion.
  • Sgt Pepper's Album released

    Sgt Pepper's Album released
    The Beatles' hit album was released. It was their debut and did really well.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    This was an attack in the Vietnam War. It was pivotal for the commies.
  • MLK is assassinated

    MLK is assassinated
    MLK is assassinated outside a hotel following his civil rights efforts.
  • Robert Kennedy is Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy is Assassinated
    He was shot and killed in a hotel in 1968. His last words were "Don't lift me." He passed away shortly after.
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    protests at 1968 democratic national convention

    These were protests against the Vietnam War.
  • LSD made illegal

    LSD made illegal
    Possession of LSD drug was made illegal by US government.
  • Richard Nixon is elected

    Richard Nixon is elected
    37th President of the US. He created the domestic council.
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    stonewall riots

    Protests from the gay community
  • american astronauts land on the moon

    american astronauts land on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are the first men on the moon. The US officially defeated the SR in the race to have the first man on the moon.
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    woodstock concert

    A large musical festival and art fair that took place in 1969 august.
  • Rolling stones host altamont music festival

    Rolling stones host altamont music festival
    famous band hosts altamont music festival on the speedway.