60s Era Timeline

  • Newport Jazz Festival

    Newport Jazz Festival
    The Newport Jazz Festival is a famous Jazz festival in Newport, Rhode Island, started in 1954, it's known for featuring top Jazz musicians and is a big deal for Jazz lovers
  • Nixon-Kennedy Debates (1st on Television)

    Nixon-Kennedy Debates (1st on Television)
    The Nixon-Kennedy debates in 1960 were the first televised presidential debates, Kennedy's confident TV presence helped him win the election
  • The Beatles Appear for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show

    The Beatles Appear for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show
    The Beatles first appeared on The Ed Suvilian show On February 9, 1964, attracting 73 million viewers and sparking "Beatlemania" in The U.S. it was a game-changer for music
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf Of Tokin Resolution was passed on August 7, 1964, giving President Johnson the power to use military force in Vietnam after reported attacks on U.S ships
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was a sustained bombing campaign against Vietnam that started in March 1965 and lasted until November 1968. It aimed to weaken North Vietnam's ability to fight and boost morale in South Vietnam
  • The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    John F.Kennedy, the 35th U.S.president, was assassinated on November 22, 1963,in Dallas Texas, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime but was killed two days later, the event had a major impact on American history and led to many conspiracy theories
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    The march on the Pentagon happened on October 21, 1967,as a big protest against the Vietnam war with around 100,000 people showing up
  • Riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention

    Riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention
    The riots at the Chicago Democratic convention In 1968 were caused by protests against the vietnam war, leading to violent clashes between police and demonstrators, it was a major moment in U.S history
  • Chicago 8 Trial

    Chicago 8 Trial
    The Chicago 8 trial was about eight protestors charged with conspiracy and inciting riots during the 1968 democratic national conventions,it became a big deal for free speech and political dissent
  • Mai Lai Massacre

    Mai Lai Massacre
    The Mai Lai Massacre was a mass killing of hundreds of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by the U.S soldiers on March 16, 1968 during the Vietnam war
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a music festival held in 1969 that became a symbol of the 1960s counterculture.It featured legendary performances by artists like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, attracting over 400,000 attendees.
  • The Beatles Break Up

    The Beatles Break Up
    The Beatles Ofiicaly broke up in April 1970, the breakup was due to a combination of personal differences , business disagreements , and creative divergences among the band members
  • Kent State Protest

    Kent State Protest
    The Kent State protest occurred on may 4,1970 when National Guardsmen fired on students protesting the Vietnam War, killing four and wounding nine
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    Roe vs wade was a landmark 1973 Supreme Court case in which the court ruled that a woman's right to choose to have an abortion was protected by the Constitution under the right to privacy