
Teaching Career

  • Volunteered in a 3rd grade Classroom

    This volunteer experience with Chris at Joy Elementary got me thinking about becoming a teacher for the first time.
  • Began Teaching Credential Program at UAF

    Began Teaching Credential Program at UAF
    I began a Post-Baccalaureate program for a K-8 Teaching Credential at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Student teaching

    Student teaching
    Lorrie, a primary multiage teacher at Pearl Creek Elementary, was a most gracious mentor teacher.
  • Long Term Substitute Teaching Position

    Long Term Substitute Teaching Position
    I took a long term sub position at Pearl Creek Elementary. I started the year off for Raine's second grade class.
  • Long Term Substitute Teaching Position

    Long Term Substitute Teaching Position
    I taught primary multiage for Lorrie for three months at Pearl Creek.
  • Short Term Substitute Teaching

    I worked as a short term substitute, teaching from Spring Break until the end of the school year.
  • Teacher Aide

    Teacher Aide
    I worked as a Teacher Aide for two sixth grade classrooms at Pearl Creek Elementary. There was a glut of teachers on the job market in our community during this time period.
  • Hired as a Title I Reading Teacher

    Hired as a Title I Reading Teacher
    My first contracted teaching job was as a Title I Reading Teacher teaching the Success For All Reading program at Arctic Light Elementary School. Later in the year, Success for All was removed and Scholastic Literacy Place was brought in as the new curriculum.
  • My first regular classroom teaching job!

    I started the year teaching 4th grade at Arctic Light, but was moved to first grade two weeks after the start of school.
  • Left teaching to pursue outside career

    Left teaching to pursue outside career
    I left the field of education to pursue other opportunities.
  • Began teaching at Muldoon Elementary

    Began teaching at Muldoon Elementary
    I began having teaching dreams in January and decided to return to the classroom. I took a position teaching third grade at Muldoon Elementary, a Title I school.
  • Began teaching at Chinook Elementary

    Began teaching at Chinook Elementary
    After moving across town and having a baby, I transferred to a school closer to home. I began teaching fourth grade at Chinook Elementary, another Title I school.
  • Began teaching 3/4 Chinook Open Optional

    Began teaching 3/4 Chinook Open Optional
    I jumped on the opportunity to return to multiage teaching when an opening arose in Chinook's Open Optional Program.
  • Technology Toolbox Class

    Technology Toolbox Class