600CE-1450CE (unit2)/Mueggenborg

By Garpad
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    Sassanid Empire

    -Tried hard to obliterate Greek culture from there and restore Iranian culture
    -Restored by Zoroastrian (became state religion)
    -Rome repalced Greece as Iran's enemy
    -With time, the empire weakend due to economic, religious, and social problems.
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    Maya Civilization

    -Had the only known fully developed written language in Mesoamerica at this time
    -Established in Central America
    -Religion centered around the worship of many nature gods
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    Ghana-> Mali-> Songhai Kingdoms

    -Three great West-African empires who were successful even before foreign powers arrived in Africa
    -Ghana: Main export was gold
    -Mali: Came after the Ghana empire and grew to be larger and more powerful than Ghana had been
    -Songhai: Famous for its advances in education and a uniform system in weights and measures. Easy target for invasions because of its riches in gold
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    Byzantine Empire

    -Had the capital Constantinople
    -Founded by Constantine I
    -Had one of the most powerul economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe
    -ERastern side of Rome
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    -Imperial capital of of the Roman Empire
    -Larges, most wealthy city in Europe during most of the Middle Ages
    -Was divided into 14 regions, took about six years to build
    - Overthrown after many years by the Ottoman Empire
  • Period: Apr 8, 600 to Apr 8, 1450


  • Apr 8, 610

    Foundations of Islam

    -Means submission to God
    -Founded after the teachings of Muhammad
    -Muslims consider Qur'an to be unaltered and the final relevation from God
    -Muhhamed created a sense of brotherhood among his followers
  • Apr 8, 632

    Split between Sunni and Shi'ite

    -Both have a similar core, Qur'an sacred to both
    -Conflict between two due to political differences
    -More Sunni's in the world
    -conflicts have been violent
  • Apr 11, 661

    Umayyad Caliphate

    -First Muslim dynasty
    -Founded after Muhammad's death
    -Ruled an area going from Afghanistan to Porugal and Spain in the west
    -Overthrown by the founder of the Abbasid Empire
  • Apr 8, 711

    Muslim conquer Spain

    -Islamic culture left there even after they left
    -Muslims ruled over Spain after the fall of the Roman Empire
  • Apr 15, 742


    -Known as Greatest Midieveal King
    -King of the Franks
    -Empreror of Romans
    -Wasnt' very educated
  • Apr 11, 750

    Abbasid Caliphate

    -Replaced the Umayyad Caliphates, killed all but one of the Umayyad men
    -Built their capital in Baghdad
    -Founded by Muhammad's youngest uncle
    -Were Sunni Muslim
  • Apr 11, 1060

    Seljuk Turks

    -Were a tribe of Tartars from Central Asia
    -Allied with the Caliph of Baghdad
    -Conquered large parts of the Byazantine Empire
    -Paved the way for the Ottoman Turks
  • Apr 15, 1095


    -Were a series of religious military campains
    -Had the gaol of recapturing Jerusalem
    -Made up of mostly Roman Catholics, Franks of France, ad Holy Roman Empire
  • Apr 11, 1138


    -Recaptures Jerusalem for the Muslims
    -Military leader
    -Sunni Muslim
    -He became a celebrated example of the principles of chivalry
  • Apr 15, 1200

    Inca Civilization

    -Largest empire in precolumbian America
    -Never developed a system of writing
    -Developed well-paved roads in Andes
  • Apr 11, 1206

    Genghis Khan

    -Founder of the Mongol Empire
    -Gained power by uniting nomadic tribes from Asia
    -Began the Mongol invasions which included the deaths of many civilian people
    -His invasions gave him a fearsome reputation as he killed a plentiful amount of people
  • Apr 11, 1206

    Mongol Invasions

    -Invaded eastern and central Europe, the Middle East, and Asia
    -Invasions resulted in a huge empire that covered much of Asia and Eastern Europe
    -Started with the unification of the Mongols and Asian confederations
    -Soldiers were required to kil a certain number of people
  • Apr 15, 1206

    Delhi Sultanate

    -A group of Muslim Dynasties tha ruled in India
    -Founded after Muhammad of Ghor defeated Prithvi Raj
    -The Delhi came to a end when Timur, turksh conquerer, imvaded Sultan
  • Apr 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    -An English charter that omit certain provisions
    -Made John of England give people certain liberties that they didn't have before
    -Was the first document forced onto an English King by his subjects
  • Apr 11, 1250


    -A soldier, former slave
    -Powerful military caste in various Muslim societies
    -Held political and military power
    -Were considered to be "true lords"
  • Apr 15, 1300

    Aztec Civilization

    -Practiced human sacrifice
    -Located in Mexico
    -Built pyramids and a well-develpoed calendar
    -Conquered by the Spanish
  • Apr 15, 1300


    -Cultural movement beginning in Florence and spreading all through Europe
    -Developed many classical ssources, paintings
    -Brought wealth to Italy
    -Time where art and money went hand in hand
  • Apr 8, 1312

    Mansa Musa

    -Remembered for his extravagant hajj (pilgramage)
    -Strengthened Islam
    -Promoted education, trade, and commerce in Mali
    -Brought stability and a good government to Mali
  • Apr 11, 1336


    -Member of the Barlas tribe
    -Conquered parts of west, south, and central asia -His self-procalaimed religion was Muslim altough people consided hime the enemy of Islam (attacked Sunni and Shi'ite grounds)
  • Apr 15, 1337

    Hundred Years War

    -Battle to get the French throne, between two families
    -Engklish king began by ruling a part of France, to not ruling hardly any at all
    -french family won, blood was important
  • Apr 8, 1368

    Ming Empire

    -Overthrew Mongol rulers
    -Largest economy in this world during thi stime period
    -Considered one of China's three golden ages
    -Rise of the merchants
  • Apr 8, 1371

    Zheng He

    -Was a chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, and fleet of admiral
    -Discovered a route to India from China
    -Helped Zhu Yuanzhang defeat the Yuan Dynasty
    -Sailed all the way to Africa
  • Apr 15, 1439

    Gutenberg Press

    -Invented by Johannes Gutenberg
    -First type of printing press in Europe
    -Lead to explosive printing buisness
  • Apr 15, 1462

    Ivan the third

    -Known as Ivan the Great, Duke of Moscow
    -Trippled the territory of Russia
    -Impressive building program took place under Ivan
    -Secede by his son after his death
  • Sui Empire

    -United China; ended four centuries of division between rival regimes
    -Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui
    -Built Grand Canal (monumental engineering feat)
    -Undertook Equal-field system, meant to reduce the rich-poor gap
  • Tang Empire

    -Founded by Li family, seizeed power during the fall of the Sui Empire
    -Raised proffesional armies consisting of hundreds of thousands of troops due to their large population
    -Controled large amount of land
    -Many poets arose during this time
  • Song Empire

    -First government in the qworld to issue paper money
    -First Chinese government to establish a permanent navy
    -Developed new military technology, gunpowder
    -Divided into two time periods, Northern and Southern Song
  • Kievan Russia

    -Had a monarchy
    -Overthrown by Mongo Empire
    -Founded by East Slavic tribes
  • Charlemagne

  • Establishment of Holy Roman Empire

    -Ruled first by Otto I
    -Otto used church to help him gain power
    -His father had been a lord so he helped him as well
    -Put his brother and son in positions of power so they could help support him